1987-01-12_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 9, 1987. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. *IIA. *llB. *IIC. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 1. 2. Meeting called to order, 4;00 p.m., January 12 - prayer. Confirmation of minutes (January 5). Re tendering procedures ~nd local preference policies (Mayor Wayne) (See also items #14 and 25). Re smoking in workplace and indoor public pl~ces (Mayor Wayne). Re cardiac surgery unit (Mayor W~yne). Re crosswal k at crest of Somerset Street hi 11 (Mayor \~ayne). Re Saint John Participaction Committee (Mayor Wayne). Request for financial contribution from Saint John Symphony (Mayor Wayne). Re intersection of Manchester Avenue and Manawagonish Road (Councillor Flewwelling). Re truck routes (Councillor Flewwelling). Re exterior of City Hall at ShoPDes of Cl,tv Hall level (Counci llor Vaughan). Letter from Clty Manager re Festival By ~11~ Sea event. Re Mayor Wayne being named one of Atlantic Canada Innovators of the Year. Re recreation improvements, Old Blactl~tvMAN~~~~ ( aty Manager). Report re tender for motorized equipment. Report re tender for work clothing. Re tendering procedures and local preference policies. Report re tender for equipment rental. Cancellation of Salvage Corps and Fire Police warr~nt. Progress payment. Re selection of Millidgeville Secondary Plan consultants. Re Rockwood Park planning and feasibility study. Re request of Muslim Association of New Brunswick for ditching and streetlights in area of 1100 Old Rothesay Ro~d. Re 1987 fire, fleet and comprehensive liability insurance coverage. COMMITTEES Committee of the Whole Report (January 5) - (1) Grants Advisory Board recommendations. GENERAL 23. Letter from Mr. Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A., re Sunday shopping. 24. Letter from Saint John Branch No. 14 of The Royal Canadian Legion re housing. 25. Letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. re local preference pol icy. 26. Letter from Mr. Bernie Ritchie re lack of water and sewerage services on Manners Sutton Road. lEGAL SESSION 27. Re demolition of property at corner of Wellington Rowand Union Street (City Solicitor). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 28. Letters from Saint John Pol icemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievances. 29. Re taxi hearing of January 5 (City Solicitor). 30. Re Shad Valley Summer Program (City Manager). 31. Re leasehold land, 232 Duke Street (City Manager). 32. Re Murray & Gregory property (City Manager). 33. Re Imperial Investments Ltd. - Reversing Falls (City Manager). 34. Re lot 4, block 17 Bridge Street (City Manager). 35. Re 2 Jardine Street (City Manager). 36. Re Lakewood Avenue property (City Manager). 37. Re 13 Spar Cove Road (City Manager). 38. Re taxi industry records (City Man~ger). 39. Re request of Grand Bay Fire Department for old chemical truck (City Manager). 40. City Manager's report (verbal).