1986-06-09_Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. *8A. *8B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. *15A. AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 6, 1986. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., June 9 - prayer. Confirmation of minutes (June 2). Mayor's remarks. Re hourly wages for Union of Canadian Transport Employees (Mayor Wayne). Re Research and Information Centre election of Board of Directors (Mayor Wayne). Re new road to Regional Hospital (Deputy Mayor Gould). Re tax rates (Councillor M. Vincent). Re tax base (Councillor MacDougall). Letter from Minister of Health and Community Services re public health medical officer. Letter from Councillor Knibb re legal counsel for recent State of Local Emergency. CITY MANAGER 16. Payment of invoices. Report re tender for supply of meals. Report re tender for contract 86-7 Concrete Work 1986. Re reduction of security amount, Crown Hill Subdivision, Phase I I. Re proposed microfilming system. Re Somerset Street property sold to Mr. Gerard LeBlanc (see also item #19(7)). Re request of J. A. Blanchard for sewer extension, Charlotte Street West. Re tender for sale of land. CITY SOL I C ITOR Re proposed Parking Meter By-Law amendment re special events parking. 17. 18. COMMON CLERK Re application of Atlantic Recoveries Limited for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property adjacent to Royal Parkway. Re appl ication of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 2405 Westfield Road. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re existing shopping centres (1st and 2nd readings given June 2). 18A. 19. COMMITTEES Committee of the Whole report (June 2) - (1) re appointments to committees, boards; (2) re 1985 Annual Reports of The Market Square Corporation and Market Square Parking Garage; (3) re proposed Building By-Law amendment; (4) re Morris Street property; (5) re Parts Band C of fire lane between Montreal and Molson Avenues; (6) re lease of space at Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex; (7) re Somerset Street land; (8) re request to lease lime kilns and lime rock supply at Greenhead Cove; (9) re offer of property at 21 Garden Street; and (10) re 9-11 Exmouth Street. The Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc. - 1985 Annual Report. 20. 21. GENERAL Response of Minister of Transportation to Common Council resolution of May 5, 1986 re crosswalk markings on Provincially-designated highways. Letter from Dr. Monica Mooney re "The Mountain" property. 22. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 6, 1986. LEGAL SESSION 23. Re recent State of Local Emergency (Acting City Solicitor). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 24. 6:15 p.m. - Presentation by The Market Square Corporation of Status Report on City Market. 25. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation of grievance by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re Good Friday and Easter Monday 8-hour shifts. 26. Re committee appointments (Mayor Wayne). 27. Re legal counsel for recent State of Local Emergency (Mayor Wayne). 28. Re legal counsel for recent State of Local Emergency (Councillor Knibb). 29. Re request of Sail East '86 Committee of Royal Kennebecasis Yacht Club for grant. 30. Re request of Partridge Island Research Project for grant. 31. Re proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment, Wellesley Road (Acting City Solicitor). 32. Re Local No. 61 grievance concerning filling of senior positions on statutory holidays (Acting City Sol icitor). 33. Re Blue Cross health coverage (City Manager). 34. Re Saint John Loan Company, Montgomery Crescent (City Manager). 35. Re Agricultural Hall, Loch Lomond Corner (City Manager). 36. Re Imperial Investments Limited, Reversing Falls (City Manager). 37. Re offer of R. Hewey to sell Winter Street School property (City Manager). 38. Re Dykeman property, 171 Rothesay Avenue (City Manager). 39. Re Champlain Drive, Gould Land Holdings (City Manager). 40. Re Fundy Cablevision, Sandy Point Road (City Manager). 41. Re 139 Mecklenburg Street (City Manager). 42. Re uptown explosions emergency April 19-26, 1986 (City Manager). 43. Re demolitions, Provincial Government (City Manager). 44. Re presentation of Festival by the Sea/Festival Sur Mer, Inc. (City Manager). 45. Re presentation of Major Concerts Inc. (City Manager).