1986-04-21_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at April 18, 1986. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., April 21 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (April 14). 3. Mayor's remarks. *3A. Re redefining boundaries of State of Local Emergency area. CITY MANAGER 4. Payment of invoice. 5. Re clean-up week. 6. Report re tender for tires. 7. Re Charlotte Street pedestrian mall. 8. Re William H. Dowd's application for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 1018 Mill idge Avenue (See also item #10). COMMON CLERK 9. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re shopping centre definition, as requested by J. D. Irving Limited (1st & 2nd readings given April 14). 10. Re appl ication of Will iam H. Dowd for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property at 1018 Mill idge Avenue. COMMITTEES 11. Committee of the Whole report (April 14) - (1) re offer of Harold Butler to sell property at 16 Peters Street; (2) re sale of City buildings; (3) re lease of space at Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex; (4) re policy for acquisition and disposal of City properties; and (5) Nominating Committee recommendations. 12. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to Charles Whelly Subdivision Plan, 147 Manners Sutton Road. GENERAL 13. Memorandum from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. re resolution concerning municipal labour relations act. 14. Letter from The Rotary Club of Saint John, N.B. re official opening of Rotary Admiral Beatty Comp 1 ex. IS. Letter and petition from Saint John Naturalists. Club re Lancaster sewage lagoon. *15A. Progress report re Labatt's Marathon Canoe Race (City Manager). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 16. Letter from Saint John Port Development Commission re Terms of Reference. 17. Offer of Ron Hewey to sell property to City. 18. Re Site L, Metcalf Street (City Manager). 19. Re offer of property at Reversing Falls (City Manager). 20. Re unused City land (City Manager). 21. Re land exchange with Irving Oil Limited (City Manager). 22. Re Coast Guard land/Market Sl ip (City Manager). 23. Re request for easement encroachment, Canterbury and Queen Streets (City Manager). 24. Re Peterson property, Martinon (City Manager). 25. Re retirees' health coverage (City Manager).