1986-01-13_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at J~nuary 10, 1986. 1. Meeting cal led to order, 4:00 p.m., January 13 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 6). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re heaters in City arenas (Mayor Wayne). C /TY MANAGER 5. Report re tender for sidewalk tractors. 6. Re 1986 insurance coverage. C I TV SOL I C ITOR 7. Re adjournment of publ ic hearings pertaining to proposed re-zonings. COMMON CLERK 8. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 19-23 Buena Vista Avenue, as requested by Marc A. Blanchard (1st and 2nd readings given January 6). COMMITTEES 9. Committee of the Whole report (December 16) - (1) Nominating Committee recommendation. 10. Committee of the Whole report (January 6) - (1) re sale of freehold interest in 18 Gifford Road; (2) re acquisition of land on Mallette Road; (3) proposed closing of IIReserved Street" and sale of land on Thorne Avenue; (4 to 7) Nominating Committee recommendations. GENERAL 11. Memorandum from Cities of New Brunswick Association re 1986 Winter General Meeting. 12. Response of Saint John Natural ists Club re restoration of bird sanctuary, Rockwood Park. LEGAL SESSION 13. Re Cherry Brook Zoo (City Sol icitor). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 14. Letter from Minister of Health and Community Services re lack of transportation in Red Head area. 15. Letter from General Campaign Chairman of United Way re November 23 fund-raising event. 16. Re Murder Hill (City Manager). 17. Re easement for encroachment of building, Flora M. Clarke, Martinon (City Manager). 18. Re proposed road closing off Mountain Road (City Manager). 19. Re proposed development, Water Street site (City Manager). 20. Re Thorcor, Dean's Hi 11 development (City Manager). 21. Re Rotary Admiral Beatty complex (City Manager). 22. Re Parking and Traffic By-Law administration (City Manager). 23. Re grant request of Friends of Music (City Manager). 24. Re grant request of New Brunswick Day Care Association Inc. (City Manager).