1982-12-20_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 17, 1982. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., December 20 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (December 13). 3. Mayor's remarks. 3A. Presentation to Local 3 of the Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of Canada (Deputy Mayor). CITY MANAGER 4. Payment of invoice. 5. Progress payments. 6. Report re tenders, interior renovations, Brodie Building. 7. Report re tenders, sprinkler installation, Brodie Building. 8. Report re tenders for automotive batteries. 9. Re lease for Saint John Port Commission, Toronto office. 10. Adoption of resolutions re 1983 operating budget. lOA. Re bids for tourist literature. CITY SOLICITOR 11. Re compensation for and possession of lands of Kent Line Limited et.al., 58 Union Street. 12. Re compensation for lands of Standard Investments Limited, 72 Union Street. 13. Re compensation for and possession of lands and premises of Dino Daeres et.al., 16 Dock Street. COMMON CLERK 14. Second and third reading of proposed amendment to Water and Sewerage By-Law (1st reading given December 13). COMMITTEES 15. Committee of the Whole report (December 13). 16. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, W. Walsh, Bardsley Avenue. 17. Saint John Preservation Review Board re execution of agreement with regard to beautification and public improvement of Trinity Royal Preservation Area. GENERAL 18. Letter from Provincial Equipment Ltd. re tender for snowblower. 19. Letter from G B Contractors Ltd. re comments made during Council's meeting of December 6th last. 20. Petition from area residents re installation of traffic lights at intersection of Taylor Avenue and Somerset Street. 21. Re policy respecting overtime cost with regard to water shut off (Councillor Wayne).