1982-04-19_Agenda ( AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at April 16, 1982. 1. Meeting called to order, 7: 00 p.m., April 19, 1982 - prayer. 2. Confirrration of minutes (April 5). 3. Mayor's remarks. 7: 00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-law arnerrlrrEnt to re-zone a portion of the property located at 174 Adelaide Street, containing approxinately 2,200 square feet, fran "RM-l" Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "B-1" IDeal Business classification, to penni.t that portion of the building formerly used for office a.rrl service station to be used for local business or office, as requested by Hamil ton Realty Limited. (b) Letter fran the Plarming Advisory Carrnittee re proposed arnendIrent. 4. CITY MN-lAGER 12. Payment of invoices. Progress paynent. Report re tenders for autarotive batteries. Report re tenders for water and sewerage materials. Report re tenders for Rockwood Park \v'ashrcx:rn and shower building. Report re terriers for Grandview Avenue watennain and Chanplain Heights School stonn sewer. Report re tenders for City Centre Irrprovarents, North Market Wharf-East Market Slip. Report re tenders for City Centre Irrproverrents, City Hall Plaza-Market Square landscaping. Re purchase of trees and shrubs. Re approval of performance bond for rehabilitation of gravel pits. Re test of propane vehicles. Re request of Art Advisory Board for 1982 budget. Re cancellation of warrant, Saint JOM Salvage Corps '& Fire Police. Re tenders for danolition of 174 Cannarthen Street. Re tenders for danoli tion of 741 Brunswick Drive. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. . 14. 15. 16. I 17. 18. 19. CITY SOLICI'IOR 20. Re repealing of Gasoline Service Station By-Law. COM1I'ITEES 21. Ccmni ttee of the tfuole Report (April ::>)._ GENERAL 22. Re electrical contractors (Councillor MacCalhnn) . 23. Re grates, Charlotte and King Streets (Councillor Wayne) . 24. Re provision of letter slot, City Hall (Councillor Wayne). 25. Re ranoval of stockpiled rock (Councillor Wayne) . 26. Re Order in council and invoice re Rooeo East audit. 27. Letter from Minister of Revenue Canada re CUstans and Excise staff. 28. Letter fran Admiral Beatty Hotel re "No Parking" signs located at King Square South. 29. Letter fran Mrs. Gertrude M. Brown, Belm:mt, re transit se:r:vice.