1982-01-11_Agenda .' r - - - AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 8th January, 1982 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., January 11 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 4). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Payments of invoice. 5. Progress payments. 6. Payment of invoices for asphalt purchase. 7. Re drainage problems, Greendale Subdivision. 8. Re Valley Planning Study. 9. Re rental of space in City Market to Mr. Robert J. Lee. 10. Re Somerset Street-Wellesley Avenue intersection. 11. Re land for public purposes. 12. Re tenders for demolition of 90 - 101 Moore Street. CITY SOLICITOR 13. Re letter from U.N.B.S.J. Law Course students re Canadian Labour Code. 14. Re expropriation of property, 58 Dock Street. COMMON CLERK 15. Re 1982 transfers and grants to organizations. 16. Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify properties bound by Lan- caster Avenue, Sand Cove Road, Pine Avenue, the C.P.R. tracks, and the rear property lines of properties on the north side of Edward Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 4). 17. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone forty-six church properties and the Old Hillcrest School to "IL-I" Neighbourhood Institutional classification (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 4). 18. Re application of Mr. Peter Claessen for Municipal Plan amendment; and re-zoning of property formerly occupied by the South Bay School. 19. Re retirement. COMMITTEES 20. Committee of the Whole report (January 4). 21. Environment Committee re existing legislation regarding the control of dogs. 22. Environment Committee re littering of rock on Lower Cove Loop. GENERAL 23. Re procedure for considering Land Committee items (Councillor Wayne). 24. Re committee appointments (Councillor Elliot). 25. Letter from Mr. W. Gray re lack of parking spaces on Charlotte Street. 26. Request of the Council of the City of St. Catharines, Ontario, for support in request for issuance of postage stamp commemorating Henley Regatta anniversary. 27. Reguest of the Council of the City of St. Catharines, Ontario, for support in request for Federal policy to stimulate Canadian shipbuilding industry. 28. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bowling, 70 Somerset Street, re safety of children crossing Somerset Street. 29. Letter from Mr. Leo E. Nasager, 60 Somerset Street, re traffic problems in Somerset Street area.