1981-11-23_Agenda A",G END A . called to order, 7.00 p.m., November 23 - prayer. MeetlDg Confirmation of minutes (November 16). Mayor'S remarks. Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said amendment. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the lot at 4 Mountain Road from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-1" Local Business clas- sification, and to repeal subsection (4) of Section 100, to allow a portion of the lower level of the building at 4 Mountain Road to be used as a beauty parlour and to delete the present stipulation that a dwelling shall not be located in the front portion of the ground floor of a building in a "B-1" Local Business zone, as requested by Mr. Stephen Doukas. Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said amendment. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the westerly portion (Water Street) of the property at 119-125 Prince William Street, to zone all of the property formerly occupied by the Bank of Nova Scotia with the same ("B-3") designation in order to permit the establishment of a licensed club, as requested by The Rocca Group Limited. Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding proposed re-zoning. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to (1) repeal Section 172 so that there would be no minimum lot area or width requirements in the "T" Transporta- tion zone; (2) amend Section 175 so that the maximum building height of 35 feet in a "T" zone shall not apply to Harbour Board facilities and installations and to buildings and structures on land owned by the National Harbours Board within the harbour limits of the Port of Saint John; and (3) to re-zone the site most of which is to be reclaimed from Courtenay Bay, to the rear of the Imperial Oil Ltd. storage tanks south of Broad Street, from "1-2" Heavy Industrial and unzoned area to "T" Transportation -- to permit the establishment of a bulk handling potash terminal (in- cluding railway trackage). Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said amendments. Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to provide for the development of residential subdivisions in rural areas of the City to permit the establishment of residential subdivisions in rural areas of the City in accordance with a number of policy guidelines and development regulations. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to establish a new Rural Residential (RR) zone. Cc) Proposed Subdivision By-Law amendment to provide for a definition of "Rural Residential Subdivisions" and various servicing standards per- taining to such developments. Cd) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee regarding said amendments. 9. 7.00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to reclassify a parcel of land located on the western side of Ashburn Road, at the corner of Jones Drive, containing 2.8 acres with a frontage of 500 feet on Ashburn Road and an average depth of 200 feet, from the present Low Density Residential to Light Industrial, to permit construction of a building to be used for office and warehouse, as requested by Atlantic Mercantile Ltd. 10. 7.00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to reclassify a parcel of land at 78 Orange Street, having a width of 39.68 feet and a depth of 125 feet, from the present Medium Density Residential to District Centre Commercial, to permit the use of an existing three-storey house for business offices, as requested by Eton Construction Ltd. 11. 8.00 p.m. - Mr. Graham MacDonald, representing residents of Forest Hills and Glen Falls, re need for community centre. 12. 8.15 p.m. - Mr. W. S. Reid Chedore, solicitor for Linmar Developers Ltd., re proposed renovation of the Wesley Center on Grandview Avenue into 7 apartments. r 1- 2. 3. 4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) 5. (b) 7 . 00 p. m. - (a) 6. (b) 7.00 p.m. - (a) 7. (b) 7.00 p.m. - (a) 8. (b) 7. 00 p. m. - (a) COMMON COUNCIL - as at 20th November, 1981. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to amend subsection (4) of Section 220 to include "B-R" zones, to permit in "B-R" Business Residential zones, those signs presently permitted in "B-1" Local Business and "B-R" General Business zones. (b) ._...""",., I C~ L -.~ge 2. COMMON COUNCIL - as at 20th November, 1981. CITY MANAGER 13. Payment of invoices. 14. Progress payments. 15. Progress payment - North/South Arterial. 16. Report re quotations for cold mix asphalt. 17. Re Grove Paving Ltd., Bayside Drive service connections. 18. Report on 1981 street paving projects. 19. Re Forest Hills Community Centre. 20. Report re tenders for nine vehicles. 21. Report re tenders for supply of plastic piping and accessories, Lancaster Arena. 22. Re 1981 Establishment. 23. Adoption of resolutions re bond issue. CITI SOLICITOR 24. Re Compensation For Victims of Crime Act. 25. Re use of social insurance numbers for bicycle identification. 26. Re use of City's crest. 27. Re application to amend conditions of re-zoning of property, 291-295 Simpson Drive (see also Item #36). COMMITTEES 28. Committee of the Whole report (November 16). 29. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Miss A. Crowley for permission to locate mobile home on property, Golden Grove Road (see also Item #37). 30. Land Committee re closing and sale of fire lane between McKiel and Prospect Streets. 31. Land Committee re sale of property, 25 Beaverbrook Avenue, to Saint John Housing Authority 32. Land Committee re lease of space, 320 Charlotte St., to Atlantic Sugar Refineries. 33. Land Committee re easement to N.B.E.P.C., vicinity of Bayside Drive. 34. Land Committee re permission for overhang of N.B. Tel cables, Island View Heights. GENERAL 35. Re crosswalk, Brunswick Square to City Hall complex (Councillor Denton). ~ 36. Letter from solicitor for Mr. Donald Lester re request for amendment to conditions o~ _ re-zoning of property, 291-295 Simpson Drive. (Mr. Hamm will be present) 37. Letter from Miss A. Crowley re application for location of mobile home on property, Golden Grove Road. (Miss Crowley may be in attendance) 38. Petition from residents of Loch Lomond Rd., Treadwell Dr., Fraser Ave., and Weldon Ave. objecting to any plans to sell, lease, or grant land to Loch Lomond Recreation Association J9. Letter from N. B. Tel re Council discussion regarding granting of right-of-way. 40: Request for hosting of reception or luncheon during 1982 conference of The Society for Utopian Studies. ~ ~ ; ;., ,.