1981-10-05_Agenda II" ~-:----::~--:t COMMON COUNCIL - as at 2nd October, 1981. AGE N D A 1. Meeting called to order, 5.00 p.m., October 5 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (September 28). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Payment of invoice. 5. Progress payment. 6. Report for tenders for construction of parking lots, Metcalf Street. 7. Re purchase of Police staff oar. 8. Re heating costs, Grandview Avenue building. CITY SOLICITOR 9. Proposed amendment to Traffic By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given Sept. 28). COMMON CLERK 10. Ratification of Legal Session resolution. 11. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendments. COMMITTEES 12. Committee of the Whole report (Sept. 28). 13. Land Committee re lease to New Lease Inc., 55 Canterbury Street. 14. Saint John Transit Commission re Canadian Urban Transit Association position paper. 15. Report of Saint John Youth Project Review Committee. 16. Historic Sites and Events Committee re appointment of staff committee member. GENERAL 17. Re MacKnight Motors Ltd. (Mayor Lockhart). 18. Re excavated rock from North/South Arterial project (Councillor Wayne). 19. Letter from Mrs. Louise Shannon re condition of Bradley Lake Road. 20. Letter from Catherjne and Jarvis Dennis, 1138 Rothesay Road, re drainage problem. 21. Application of Miss Christine McCaig for re-zoning of property, 298 Westmorland Road. ~. 22. Letter from Mr. Harry E. Belyea proposing sailing ship for Market Slip. .~ 23. Letter from Civil Liberties Association re compensation for victims of crime. 24. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of Lamda Enterprises Ltd. '\ for dining room license re premises, 532 Rothesay Avenue. 25. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of E & L Investments Ltd. for restaurant license re premises, corner of Somerset St. and Wellesley Ave.