1981-03-23_Agenda .-~-~ AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 20th March, 1981. ~ 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., March 23 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (March 16). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY SOLICITOR 4. Re proposed amendments to Traffic By-Law. 5. Re lease of property required for Beach Crescent Lift Station. COMMITTEES 6. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 153 Orange Street, to Mr. James Carlson. 7. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 85 Germain St. West, to Mr. Edmond Vautour. 8. Land Committee re purchase of property from Saint Rose Church for Church Ave. Overpass. 9. Land Committee re sale of fire lane, Belmont & Topeka Sts., to Mr. & Mrs. Chester Craig. 10. Parking Commission re increasing fines under Parking Meter By-Law. GENERAL 11. Re Six Cities Essential Services Committee brief (Councillor Landers).