1980-11-10_Agenda COMMON COUNCIL - as at November 7, 1980 Jl..GENDA 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., November 10 - prayer 2. Con~irmation o~ minutes (November 3} 3. Mayor's remarks CITY MANAGER 4. Payment o~ invoices 5. Payment o~ invoices 6. Progress payment 7. Progress Payments 8. re tenders ~or slide gates for Beach Crescent Life Station 9. re tenders for water material 10. re tenders ~or painting city buildings ll. re R.R.A.P. 12. re Municipal Plan By-Law Amendment & Zoning By-Law amendment, William Godfrey, Grandview Avenue 13. re Assessments on the boundary between Renforth and Saint John CITY SOLICITOR 14(a)Re status of Deferred Widening (b)Proposed by-law ~or same (c)Letter from City Mgr re same By-Law affecting Waterloo Street COMMON CLERK 15. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify a parcel of land containing 120 acres with a ~rontage of approximately 1100 feet on the northerly side of Latimer Lake Road to place the land in a zone in which the existing use by Ocean View Memorial Gardens ~or a cemetery will be a permitted use. (b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law to re-zone said property(lst & 2nd reading given Nov 3) 16. (a) Third reading o~ Municipal Plan By-Law to reclassify a parcel o~ land containing 22,500 square feet with a frontage of 180 feet on the southern side of Ashburn Road, to permit the location of a landscaping business as requested by Ernie"s Home Improvement Ltd. ( 1st & 2nd reading given Nov 3) (b) Third reading -of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property (1st & 2nd reading given Nov 3) 17. (a) Third reading of Street Closing By-Law to close portion of Bayside Drive (b) Letter ~rom Clark, Drummie & Company re above COMMITTEES lB. Planning Advisory Committee re application for re-zoning by Jehovah's Witnesses property Loch Lomond Road 19. Committee of the Whole report (November 7) 20. Land Committee re sale of property, Loch Lomond Road to Jehovah's Witnesses 21. Land Committee re sale o~ ~reehold interest, 213 Queen St, to Mr. Allan R. Martin 22. Land Committee re sale of freehold interest, 218 Queen Street West, to Mrs. K.G. Trainor 23. Land Committee re purchase of property, 308 Greenhead Road, from Hernani Nunes GENERAL 24. Re guide on procedures regarding expropriation (Councillor Elliot) 25. Re location of swimming pool (Councillor MacCallum) 26. Letter ~rom Canada Games Committee re appointment of interim committee 27. Brie~ from Saint John Building and Construction Trades Council (presented at meeting of October 27 - no action taken) - 29. Letter from District 19 & 20 Principals' & Vice-Principals' Assoc. re work of the Police Departments Youth Squad 30. Application o~ Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited for re-zoning o~ property, 885 Fairville Blvd. 31. Application of Dante Forriere for re-zoning property, Hickey Road 32. Application of Douglas E. Mitton ~or re-zoning o~ property, 185 Golden Grove Rd 33. Letter ~rom Provincial Minister of Environment re requested amendment to Clean Environment Act. 34. Letter ~rom Human Development Council re establis~1ment o~ Community Resource Organization Program. r- pa~e 2 GENERAL 35. Letter from Saint John Central Business Development Corporation requesting Council consider the condition of fire damaged building at corner of Wellington Row & Union St. 36(a)Letter from Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, requesting independent inquiry into management of Police Dept.