1980-04-28_Agenda A.~ENDA - , COMMON COUNCIL - as at 25th April, 19S0. # 1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m., April 28 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (April 21). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to permit essential services and public utility type buildings and structures in all zones, as requested by N. B. Tel re erection of Jumper Wire Interface at Millidge and Daniel Avenues. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letter of objection from Mrs. M. Thompson re proposed amendment. 5. 7.00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to permit establishment of a bulk handling potash terminal, including railway trackage, with most of the facility to be constructed on a site to be reclaimed from Courtenay Bay, behind the Imperial Oil Ltd. storage tanks south of Broad Street, as proposed by National Harbours Board. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Brief from Port of Saint John re proposed amendment. (d) Joint presentation by South End Development Corporation Inc. and Lower Cove Beach Committee of Concern re proposed facility. 6. 7.30 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. R. J. Gillis on behalf of residents of Rockland Rd. area. CITY MANAGER 7. Payment of invoices. 8. Energy Conservation Study of City buildings. 9. Re forest inventory report. lO. Report re tenders for motorized equipment. Ll. Report re tenders for storage of vehicles. 12. Report re tenders for towing service. 13. Re proposed Municipal Historical Geological Museum. 14. Re request of Lancaster Little League for assistance for hosting championships. 15. Re bid deposits for tenders for purchase of goods. 16. (a) Re proposed Horse and Carriage Tours. (b) Letter from Mrs. Debora Walker re same. 17. Re R.R.A.P. extension to new areas. IS. Re closure of Bayside Drive at Dry Dock. CITY SOLICITOR 19. Proposed amendment to Traffic By-Law. . COMMON CLERK 20. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment to reclassify the front 10-acre portion of property located at the boundary between the City and the Village of Grand Bay to permit development of the first phase of a shopping centre, as requested by Food City Limited. (1st & 2nd readings given April 21). (b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property. (1st & 2nd readings given April 21). COMMITTEES 21. Land Committee re tenders for relocation of mobile homes, Cedar Point Mobile Home Park. 22. Land Committee re purchase of property, 166 Church Ave., from Mrs. M. Summerville. 23. Land Committee re lease of space, 55 Canterbury St., to Canadian Mental Health Assoc. 24. Land Committee re purchase of property, Barnesville Road, from Mr. Neil Price. 25. Land Committee re purchase of leasehold interest, 238 Queen St. from John McGinn Estate. 26. Land Committee re purchase of easement re Grandview Avenue sanitary sewer. 27. Land Committee re purchase of property, 290 Rockland Road, from Mr. Walter Campbell. 28. Land Committee re lease of space, 55 Canterbury St., to University Women's Club. 29. 1979 Annual Report of Board of Trustees, Civic Employees' Pension Plan. 30. Environment Committee re enactment of a Noise By-Law. 31. Environment Committee re reviewing and consolidating various by-laws. 32. Historic Sites and Events Committee re Loyalist Days program. ~age 2. COMMON COUNCIL - as at 25th April, 1980. GENERAL 33. Re relocation of Provincial office from Saint John (Councillor M. Vincent). 34. Re Quebec referendum vote (Councillor Murphy). 35. Re acquisition of property for flood control, Kelly Lake (Councillor Wayne). 36. Re disadvantages of hosting Canada Summer Games (Councillor Pye). 37. Re lack of proper cover of pollutants, Howe's Lake dump site (Councillor Pye). 38. Re operation of gravel pit, Manawagonish Road (Councillor Wayne). 39. Re postal services for West Saint John residents (Councillor Green). 40. Application of Saint John Center for Services to Handicapped Inc. for re-zoning of property, Kiwanis Court. 41. Application of Mr. Bruce Martin for re-zoning of property at Lorneville. 42. Correspondence re Canada Week. 43. Request for permission for academic procession re U.N.B.S.J. baccalaureate service. 44. Request of Maritime Scrap Limited for extension re demolition of former N.B.E.P.C. building and substation. 45. Petition from area residents re condition of property, 219 Princess Street. 46. Request of Saint John District, Royal Canadian Legion, for financial assistance re N. B. Royal Canadian Legion Golf Tournament. 47. Letter from MacKnight Motors Ltd. re offer to collect and dispose of derelict vehicles. 48. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of Saint John Labor Club Inc. for club license re premises, Chesley Place. 49. Letter from Saint John Dart Team re request for financial assistance. 50. Letter from National Harbours Board re offer of City to sell certain properties to Board.