1980-01-28_Agenda A~ END A 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., January 28 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 21). 3. Mayor's remarks. COMMON COUNCIL - as at 25th January, 1980. CITY MANAGER 4. Re inquiry of Local 61 re flase alarms from banks. 5. Re flooding problems on D'Anjou Transport Ltd. property, Fairville Boulevard. 6. Re request of Norcast Division of Noranda Group for designation of landfill site as collection centre for white goods and derelict autos. 7. Re request for installation of culvert on Henderson Road, Martinon. 8. Payment of invoice. 9. (a) Re tenders for supply of asphaltic mixes (tabled January 21) (b) Letter from Stephen Construction Company Limited re above. (c) Letter from solicitor for Stephen Construction Co. Ltd. re above. (d) Letter from solicitors for Metro Construction (1978) Ltd. re above. (e) Legal opinion received by City Solicitor re above. COMMON CLERK 10. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to remove the restriction on the size of printing establishments permitted in "B-3" Central Business Zone (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 21) 11. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to permit residentiaul use of the ground floor of a building in a "B-R" Business Residential zone (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 21). CITY SOLICITOR 12. Proposed amendment to Traffic By-Law. 13. Re property transfer, City of Saint John to Quigg Motors. COMMITTEES 15. Nominating Committee report. 16. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed parking lot, Queen Square North, for Sydney Castle Ltd. (1880 Club). 17. Land Committee be sale of freehold interest, 327 Princess Street to Mr. Willard C. Jones. 18. Land Committee re purchase of property, UPper Golden Grove, from Mr. James Hall. GENERAL 19. Letter from Board of School Trustees, District Number 20, re agreements relating to use of Simonds High School swimming pool, and cost sharing of developing and improving out- door recreational areas. 20. Letter from Lorneville Ratepayers Association re speed limit on King William Road through Spruce Lake Industrial Park. 21. Letter from Ray Dor Limited withdrawing re-zoning application re property, Somerset Street. 22. Application from Simonds Local Service District for re-zoning of property, Range Road. 23. (a) Letter from Mrs. George Green requesting renewal of permit re location of mobile home, Kean Road. (b) Letter from Mrs. Joan E. Godfrey requesting renewal of permit re location of mobile home, Old Black River Road. (c) Letter from Quigg Motors Limited re temporary mobile office, Fairville Boulevard. 24. Letter from Mr. G. Patrick Gorman on behalf of Mrs. Christina Garnett, requesting temporary permit to locate a mobile home on property, Garnett Settlement.