1980-01-14_Agenda I 1- 2. 3. AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 11th January, 1980. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., January Confirmation of minutes (January 7). Mayor's remarks. 14 - prayer. 4. 4.30 p.m. - Presentation by Mr. Jacques Dalibard, Director of the Heritage Canada Foundation and Mr. Michael O'Rourke, Executive Director of the Provincial Historical Resources Administration. CITY MANAGER 5. Payment of invoice. 6. Progress payments re capital projects. 7. Re public commendation of two Police constables re Ten Eych Hotel fire. 8. Re application for 1980 Stimulation Grants. 9. Re proposal for collection of residential solid waste in former outer tax area. 10. (a) Re acquisition of properties from the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission and demolition of said properties. (b) Provincial Government correspondence re above matter (available Monday) 11. Re properties, 160 Prince William Street and 1 Mecklenburg Street. COMMON CLERK 12. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment re property, Grandview Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given January 7). (b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property, Grandview Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given January 7). CITY SOLICITOR 13. Re report to Council from Mrs. Marie Trainor. COMMITTEES 14. Planning Advisory Committee re minimum height requirement in "B-2" General Business zones. 15. Land Committee re payment for repairs to Murphy building, 158 Prince William Street. 16. Land Committee re payment for repairs to Board of Health building, 1 Mecklenburg Street. 17. Nominating Committee report. 18. Budget Committee report re 1980 grants. GENERAL 19. Application from James Brown and Mrs. Pearl Brown for re-zoning of property, 131 St. James Street. 20. Application from Raydor Limited for re-zoning of property, 366 Somerset Street. 22. Letter from Town of St. Stephen re formation of Provincial task force re essential services 23. Letter from The New Brunswick Historical Society re Preservation Review Board. 24. Letter from Noranda Metal Industries Limited, Norcast Division, re collection of "white goods" and derelict autos from landfill site. 25. Letter from Mr. G. A. Holmes requesting improvement to sidewalks and repairs to Spar Cove Road.