1979-12-27_Agenda END A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 21st December, 1979. /-G 1- 2. Meeting called to order, 1.30 p.m., December 27 - prayer. Confirmation of Minutes (December 17 & 20). Mayor's remarks. 3. CITY MANAGER 4. Payment of invoices. 5. Payment of account re expenses for Port Day in New York. 6. Report re bids for tires. 7. Report re bids for automobile. 8. Report re tenders for sand, gravel, loam, etc. 9. Report re tenders for equipment rental. 10. Report re tenders for sale of camps, rhird Loch Lomond. 11. Re balance of payment re Somerset Street Social and Recreational Centre. 12. Re condition of vacant lot, 118 Bridge Street. 13. Re City's auditing service, banking service and insurance coverage. 14. Repo~t on brief re taxi industry. COMMON CLERK 15. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment re property on the south side of Loch Lomond Road (1st & 2nd readings given December 17). (b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone said property (1st & 2nd readings given December 17). 16. (a) Third reading of Municipal Plan By-Law amendment re policies respecting integrated development zones (1st & 2nd readings given December 17). (b) Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment re said policies (1st & 2nd readings given December 17). COMMITTEES 17. Planning Advisory Committee re payment in lieu of land for public purposes re subdivision application, Hollingworth Turner, Old Black River Road. 18. Planning Advisory Committee re payment in lieu of land for public purposes re subdivision application, Maurice Aspen, Grandview Avenue. GENERAL 19. Letter from Canadian Intercity Tourism Service re Information Centre. 20. Letter from Mr. J. H. Wilcox, 257 Montreal Avenue, re use of snow blowers by City.