1979-07-09_Agenda ';~..;~~I1,!c'=,r C:JL-::C:: - e.s =.:C bt~ T~., f "':'" ."" u.-J , 1979. .. U .:.. .:.. ~ -,' ....... , -' :,~eet.i::.g:::3.1led "'Co order, 7.00 'O.:!l., July 9 - prayer. Cor.fi=~ation of minu~es (June 25). ~.fayor' s remarks. ? t' . 3. I. 4. 7.00 ~.m. - Presentation re of~icial opening of City playgrounds. 5. 7.00 n.m. - Proposed closing of a portion of C~lden Grove Road. 6. 7.00 n.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning 3y-Law amendment to permit a cablevision facility and re- lated service operations in "B-2" General Business zone~. (b) Letter from Mr. James Stack, 39 Paddock Street re proposed amendment. 7. 7.00 n.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-LaW' amendlllent to create a neW' "I-2a" Special Heavy Industrial zoningcategorl. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a portion of the Joseph A. LikE property, Bayside Drive, to permit the establishment of a commercial heli- copter operation. 8. 7.00 n.m. - (a; Proposed Zoning By-Law amendlllent to re-zone an area of the highrise buil~il on the southeasterly' side of Ellerdale Street to nermit a small convenienc~ store. - (b) Letter from Mr. Satyendra Joshi, 150 Westmorland Road, re proposed re-zoni: 9. 7.00 n.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the Loch Lomond Villa site and ad- joining lots previously known a~ 169 and 171 Loch Lomond Road. 12. 7.50 p.m. - Charles J. Simon, owner; Esso Home Comfort Centre, First Judg~ent Creditor; Canadian Acceptance Corp. Ltd., Second Judgement Creditor; Provincial Bar-k of Canada, Third Judgement Creditor; Imperial Oil Limited, Fourth Judgement Creditor; Lawton's Ltd., Fifth Judgement Creditor; and Gulf Home Comfort, Sixth Judgement Creditor - to appear to shov cau~e why the building located at 35-37 Exmouth Street should not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 13. 8.00 n.m. - Presentation by Saint John Jaycees regarding Neighborhood Improvement for a Clean Environment project. CITY MANAGER 14. Report on 1979 annual clean-up programme. 15. Report re tenders for 1979 concrete work. 16. Report re tenders for supply of fire apparatus. 17. Report re tenders for Woodward Avenue storm sewer. 18. Report re tenders for MacKay Street, Main Street, Prince~s Court vatermain restoration and construction. 19. P~yment of invoices. 20. Report re tenders for chipsealing. 21. Progress payments re Department of Regional Economic Expansion projects. 22. Progress payments re capital projects. 23. Re Community Services Contribution programme. 24. Re dangerous eJ;ld unsightly premises, Duck Cove Lane and Mea.dowbank Avenue. 25. Re dangerous and unsightly premises, Ridge Street. 26. Re storm water retention facility, Westmorland Grove. 27. (a) Re Woodlawn Park Subdivision, Pha.ses 2 and 3 (tabled June 25). (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re same (tabled June 25). CITY SOLICITOR 28. Re proposed agreement with Mr. Clayton Barfoot regarding cabaret, King Street West. 29. ~cposed amen~ent to ~affic By-Law. 30. Re exchange of property, McAllister Drive area between City and United Church of Canada. COMMITTEES 31. Planning Advisory Committee re application to relocate a one-family dwelling, 1010 Millidg Avenue. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL - as at 6th July, 1979. . 32. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision plan of John Sherriff and Winfred Galbraith property, corner of Lorneville Point Road and Jacks Road. 33. Planning Advisory Committee proposing amendments to Zoning By-Law regarding mobile home zones. 34. Planning Advisory Committee re resignation of Mr. Lorne Richardson from Committee. 35. Land Committee re payment of appraisal fees. 36. Saint John Transit Commission re tender for Jeep pick-up. GENERAL 37. Re highway dividers (Deputy Mayor Elliot) 38. Re several matters requiring action by City staff (Councillor Murphy) 39. Re cut-backs at Saint John General and West Saint John Community Hospitals (Councillor Murphy) 40. Re demolition of lime kiln burners (Councillor Pye) 41. Re pedestrian access facility, Stanley Street area (Councillor MacCallum) 42. Re-zoning application from Norman W. Francis Ltd. re property, Somerset Street. 43. Re-zoning application from Loyalist Enterprises Ltd. re property, 4 Milford Road. 44. Letter from Minister of Municipal Affairs submitting Stimulation Grant Agreement. 45. Letter from Saint John Heritage Trust Inc. re use of premises, 1 Mecklenburg Street. 46. Letter from Mr. Imre Ivan, 68 Mecklenburg Street, re tot lots in South End of City. 47. Letter from Forest Hills Minor Baseball Executive re need for senior size ball field.