1976-12-20_Agenda !-GE.N;DA COMMON COUNCIl.. as at 17th December, 1976. 1. Meeting CRllt;d to order, 7.(XI p.la. - IJl~cemt'er 20 - T1!'a.yer. 2. Ha~ror's rhllRrks. 3. ..t 'l.b~) P.Ll. --- A. - Proposed amendment to Zoning 13:r-1<:,"1 by re-zoning v~~ri()us ar~~s in South l.nd (see copy of advertiseraent, sectioII 1. (a) te.('B) incl'\.lllbre). B. - Propoaed amendment to Hunicipal Plan By-Law by ClClifmdillg bchedule 2-1" Future Land Use Plan, re above Il<il:led ar(,Cl.S in >>outh Lnd (S66 copy of auvt>rtisemcIlt, st:'ction 2. (a) to (k) inclusive). 3(a.) Letters objecting to said proposed re-zoning, i!'c pnrt, from: Continental Imrest- wmts LiLlited (2 let.ters)' 111'. \;allace D. Hacaulay, Cl.C., solicitor for }tIr. , . ) Donald A. Hazen; ~1r. Gilbert P. Boyce (from Decdlber 6t,h neeting 01' Council ; Grove Estates Lt.d. (from Df!cemlJer 6th mt;eting ot Council); GentrR1 Business DevelOllJlent Corporation (requesting delRY in condderation <>1' the pro;>osed re-zoning amendment and the aHendr1ent to the l,uniciphl Plan H~r-Law). CITY 11ANAGIiJl 4. fire Dept. report - Oetobfllr. 5. f'avrnent of imroices. 6. Re- street cloflings to conve~r land to Kp.nnedy Dnvelof.ll1enta Ltd.: EUnflnd NoveMber 15th, 1976 COimcil resolu.tion t.o include closing a portion of Holly :;t. and conve;rin,g same to said Cori1I>Ci~r, CIS vlell as t.he unci.(weloped Oay.lanct. ','errace and thp- extension or l.ewna.n ;jt. 7. Heport 1'6 temera for sand, gravel, locurl and sod. 8. Heport re tenders far fKlllil~lwni; rentRl. 9. Progress payments 1'e pro jccts undertaken under Dept .Hegional Econor.d.c Exp<msion programme. 10. Re propert;)T locatf:d at 3 Pokiok ltd., known as t,he Snovrflake LiNe Ltd. li. Procress payments 1'(~ Capital p1'ojE;cta. 12. Re emplo~rp.e bp.nefit Plans (laid on table Decewer 13, 1976). l2J..He distribution of rnanpmve1', ~)C1.int John Poli.ce I~pt. 1213 .He pre> posed sub-di vision Just on tsicie of City boundary.; 12C.Re stimulation Grants 1977. 12D.He Anti-Inflation Board decision, Hon-Union personnel. CITY ~;OLICITOR 13. Draft of pro posed Cll'1endnents to Pm'king Heter By-Le,,,,;, G0l1HIl.'T:EES 14. COIi!UttU: of 1 holt. report (IJf~cf;r1ber 13). 15. Plann:.ng hdvisor~r COT':"J,uttee re apl)lication from Hr. am Brs. BrihTl Cook ro Iliobilp. home. l(l. !"llanning i,dvi[;o~r Cor:llittee re acceptance of f'loney in lieu of land fe>!' public purposes fror.; ':obert F:ini; :3u1d.ivision. 17. Plnnr.inp; j,lvi~;>r:r Con;;itt,ee 1'e a!))lication frOIll \alt\~r F. (i-oldin,~ Gonf,t]"uctj.on Co.Lt(l. to rf!nOvcltf~ p)"l.'1pt rt~r <,to 14B : att:rlc)(j St. (deff~rrecl \.icleni!I!" b;'l'-l~:\: c.rea). 18. flair.1. ,~o;,n ]Ollsi!': COIlIlission r,; Pl'opoR€d ACCOniT1o:iati',n ~)tandC1rd8 b:nt Control b~r-LRw. GLliLHAL 19. l~e recent hi!'in~ of eleven !Jolj.ce conBtf'.hles (Councillor ~'e). :~O. I:e pov,'er 1',:,i1u1'c;, in f~<wtel'n portion of cit;y \COlUlcillor H. Vincent). 2:'. :ic.int John Policcr1(:n's ~)'otpctive J,:'~nc., LoceJ. J.{). (ll, C.U.?L. re m<~eting hetHHm Chief ..):~ >'olice, tLe J..:;:ecutiye of Local 61 anCl the Gorulon Conncil.