1976-11-22_Agenda ,If , ,. " f;" >1#,' A' EN D A ~ . f C(JI(ON COUNCIL - ae at. 19th NoV4aber, ~9'16., 1., Meeting called to order. 7.00 P.Dl.. llovember 22 - prayer. 2., "layor's remarks: re recow17 by City tram employees re over-pa1Dlent under Anti-Infla t10n Board rullng. ).< 1.15 p.m.' _ Mr. Dougla.s Fost.er, on behalf' of The Sa1nt John Softball /.S80C.... re i978 Canadian Senior Tournament to he held in Saint John. CITY MJ\.1U\G11l 4.. Progress ~ents re projects undertaken under Dept. Regional Lconomic l.iKpanaion programme. 5.~ Prot'rass payments re Capital projects.. 6~ Re 3-phase electrical 8:n."t,enoion bY' Power CoIITJ.u.ssion tor M:I.lford-Randolph-Greendale sewer.. 7.' Re bids for supplying and installing shower stalls at Hockwood 'Park Trailer Park.. S., Re release of substantial part of surety provided by Keddy's Motor,.!~ Limited re developnent of l:iain St. site. 9.. Pa.yment of surveyor's costs, Murdoch-1J..ngley Ltct.,.. re l~orth End Urban RenmnU. Scheme.. 10.. Payment of professional services fees: J..)e Stecher, Miller & kw Ltd.; Thorne, Riddell &Co. ll., A.cquisition of ~he 510.. properties frot1 Canaclian Pacific Railway,. re North 1.nd Urban Renewal Scheme .', 12., Re contract with National Harbours Board re construction of wat.e1'll1ain to Board propertY on \Jest Sid.a. ' 13. Approval requested for the Implementation Stage of the ~uth Knd tJeighbourhood Laprovemen' Programme as nml revised., 14.. PE\ym.ent or invoice. 15. Re unsightly prtm11S6S at Ketepec. 16. Re supply of cold mix for street repairs I. purchase of erJ:l;11sionj purchase of aggrega.tes and production of cold Illix. 17. Ee hhrbour bridge tolls. 18. He Accommodation Standard - Control ot llent By-Law. CITY SOLICITOR 19. Report re transfer by Hr. Jack Nugent of land to Best lluUders Ltd. that he purchased from the City. :?:' .. 24. 'COMMI'rl'lt~. COMMISSIONS '. Land Commi. ttee re 1easb.w,;portion ot City-owned Parish Hall building, Bayside Dri va, to Security,Mutual Casualty Company. Harket Committee re renewing lease 01' Harket Building premises to ~>enior Citizens Service Saint John, Inc. ?l.anning AdviSOr;!r Committee re applicnt10n from TlIe ltoccC\. Group for re-zoning of lr.nds in ~ estgate Pflrk develo~llent. (d.) 'Third reClding of proposed re-zoning amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone 25.4 acres on north sille of Nanawa.gonish Rd. a.pproximately one-half' raile east of intersection v.ith lIault 1m. (1st & 2m readings given Oct. 25" 1976). (b) Third reading of proposed Municipal Developnent Plan amendmont to rec1a.ssify portions of t.he abov" (tiNiribed land from 1~1 depsity residential to medium density residentiRl and difltric~~J:lll.Qercial use artl8.S - to establish part of the area for raultiple far.ily housing Ellld to set aBide land. for a potential future shopping centre (1st ~t 2nd rfladings given Oct. 25, 1976). Planning J-clvisory Committee re H. 1-1. Hopper LiI:dted reqUEmt tor ti1ne extension re proposal for ~t. James ~t. site. Planning Advisory Conrnittee re proposed Zoning By-Law CiLlendment re restmlrants licensed. to sElrve alcoholic beverages. Planning Advisory COIl1Jlrl.ttee re requeHt from South End I>evelo]nent Corporation Inc. to iJn,plement re-zoning proposals in South 1'..00 Heighbourhood DeveloJlllent Plan. TransportRtion Committee report re reTiew of SW1da~r bus service of City Transit 1iriJ.ted, and re twen1ng transportation service. Saint .Tohn Housing GOllmssion re loan re renewalHot roots and chimney repairs, RockHood Court houDing project. Saint John Port Developnent Commission quarterly reports: April 1 - June 30, and July 1 - Sept. 30, 1976. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. g6. 27. 28. GEm1l.AL 29. lAtter tram ~mationa1 Asaocle.t1on ot Bridge, titructural am Ornamental Iron ~lorkers, I.ocall~.,. ~, 1"8 .pedestrian signal on Chealey Drive, at Ocean Steel & Construction Ltd. 30 . Letter fran The ~aint John District .Labour CouncU re consw.tation between Chief' of ~!)ol1ce and. weal 61, C.U.P.E.re lllV revisions to Police Dept. Rules and Regulations. 31. Letter tran Mr. DonaJ.d It'. Taylor, 161 Douglas Ave., 1"8 running at large of dogs in general. and ot vicious dogs.