1976-11-01_Agenda .... ,~~'... AGEIIDA COMK>N COUNCIL - as at 29th October, 1976. 1. Jleeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. November 1 - prayt:r. 2. {;On1'irmation ot minutes (Oc60ber 18 & 25). 3. Mayor' 8 remarks. em MJ~NI.QER ~. Report re lam sub-divioion trust runds. 5. tater & Sewerage Division ot \lorks 1)ept. report - Septsuber. 6. Re Saint John BoElJ"d ot Trade letter rt-: former Capitol Theatre building. 7. Re Rules and Regulations, Haint John Pollee Dept. 8. Re South ~d DeveloJJl18nt Corporation Inc. request for a ''b11nct knoU" sign, Broad and vientworth Sts., and for a "Stopll sign at corner of Cal"t1arthen am Broad Sts. 9. Progress payments 1'8 projects u.n:1ertaken under De pt .Regional li:conomic }~SiOll programme 10. Re dmlolition ot 23 Hill Street. lOA.Report tran Finance Dept. - K.D.? Section. lOB.neport re tenders on grader. CITY SOLICITOR 11. Re Anti-Inflation Board Decisj,on re,salaries tor l~on-Utlion civic employees BOJUtW. COMKl:'m<:m I COMMISSIONS 12. Board of Trustees, Civic 1~ployee8' PensiQn Plan, re retirement ot Mr. S&muel ~)tevens. 13. Harket GOIllUi. ttee re transferot 1easeo1' Fowler's Flower Shop to Mrs. ana Reynolds. 14. land CotlInittee re lea&e to Mr. Raymond McDevitt of Rothes&y Ave. land (former Canadian National Irwtitute for the Blin:t canteen site). , 15. Land Committee re rescinding Council resolution (June 23, 1975) which sold land oft rairville Blvd.. to Streb it Little Holdings Ltd.. 16. Land Conr.1ittee re: (a) re8cin~g option granted to Dept. Public \~'ork8 of, Canada on Septenlb<lr 20, 1976 for approxilnate4r 80 .ac,res 'of land tor site of the D18diurn securi~y }.'w.l1ul institution; (b) approval of sale ot appro.x1ma'te1,y77 acres ot J.and on west side . of Grassy Lake tor site for such institution.; option onaaid latter named land. 11. Letter from Saint John POM; Develo}Jllcmt CoDll1isslon requesting a JIleetingwith Council . re Commission' s proposed 1977 budget. ' GlOO:wu. 18. 19. Le inadequacy of the roadways ot Silver }t'al1s Park (Councillor Pye). 20. Letter from Hr. H. L. Lockhart. 251 Cit:;' Line, Saint John ',;est, re: need tor a sub-post ofi'icfl in Saint John \:est; need tor a proper fence on east side of City Line by old gravel pit; re vandalism problem. 21. Letter from. llr. C.,G. Carr, 179 J\d.elaide ~)t.., requesting reduction in water rntes. 22. Application from Hr. l.cnneth Leonard. Ijoftell for ro-zoning of property on Latin1er Lake Rl ',:;0 .