1976-07-26_Agenda k' .:...~.:;'r .AG EN 1> A ,.~ COMll>N COUNCIL - as at 23rcl J~', 1976. 1. ~ Meeting called to order, 4.60 p.m. , July 26 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of mnutes (July 12 and 19). 3... Ha~'or t 8 remarks. 3A. Notice of Motion (Mayor }<'lcwwelling). ActiM City Hana~r 4. Payment ot asjIDalt invoice (stephen Construction Co. Ltd..). .5. June report - Water and Sewerage llivision ot Works Dept. 6. Hay report - i/orks Branch or Engineering ani, Works Dept. 7. Comparative Police Report - January to June, 1974, 1975, 1976. 8. Resupply ot Willie Avenue st4nipipe. - 9. Re Deputy ~ Inspector, and. a8Si8ta.nce tor a Builcl1n~ Innpectbr .%'*11 Assistant , Building Inspector (laid on table July 19, 1976). lQ. Progress pa~'II18nts re Clpital projects. 11. Progress ~ments re projects undertaken under Dept..Regional J.;Conamic Expansion progr__.. 12. Re Water and Sewerage By-Law ~ tees for hteral.s. .' ;3. ne Antl-Inrlation BQard ruling on non-Union empJ.oyee.1f'salaries. .", , . Committ... ' 1.4.. GivicI.uwrovement and Beauti.rication Ccm:dttee .re alternate parking on all City streets. lS. Civic ~vement and Beautification Comriiittee re prov1s1ontn 1'1Iture budgets to maintain :: City-owned properties, particularly Fort How. Rewrs1ng Falls ani Fisher Lakes areas. U. Tratric andsafet7 Committee re pedestrian s1gnaJ. en Chesley Dri".. at Ocean Steel. General ,1'.. ,(a) Letter from Dr. H.. H. .Watt.s re Exhibition Association and Exhibition Ccmn1tteeof , CouncU:. ~t10Jl) JIlf8b8rsh1p onaaid Association B..rcl ot Dirttctor. lntonnation' re Exhibition opera~~on (laJd on table July 19. 1976). ' " (b) Letter from CoUncillor Pye n origin and abolition.r Council-appointed Atlantic National Exhibition CoDlilitt.ee1 18.. Land COmmia~eePMiCqRDc? resolution of April J.O..197.5: amendment to said resolution, re replac1~ utm1rig on former Dr. A.. 1.. Donovm property. Second Loch Lamond, '\dth insurance proceeds ahoul.d there be a fire in said building.. 19. Petition fran r~sidents of Durterin Avenue protesting the \/ay th~ Thiotlc-St.. Andrews Curling Club io now operating, requesting COWlci1 's attention to said matter.., 20. Letter from Counclllor MacGowan re need to improve HighwaY' Number 7 immediately; re lack of signing on Provincial highwa~ in New Brunswick to indicate direction or Saint John. 'r8 omission of reference to the City of Saint JoJmfran 'national television networks' during weather reports broadcasts. 7.00 p.m. CJt::REMOIlIAL RE LOYALIST DAYS IN COSTUME ~: On Thursday. Jul.v 29. at 2.30 p.m.. Common Council will meet to open tenders for 1976 debenture issue. ~ .