1976-07-19_Agenda i / / I \ . .'-.... ...... AGENDA III COMMON COUNCIL - as at 16th July, 1976. 1. Meeting called to order, 7.0U p.m.. JulY 19 - prayer. 2. Hrtor' s remarks. .3. 7.30 P.D. - Presentation of petition by Mrs. Kathy Holme., spokesman, from residents of Don Accord Sub-division, who, as taxpayers, disagree \;1 th construction of the 3G-unit building tor apartments in saiel Sub-cl.ivision adjacent to wch LoJaom Caurt and Bon Accord Drive by KermebecClnis Investments Ltd. ACTIID CITY MhnAGl~ 1... Re bond issue: throe resolutions, as listed. 5. I'inancial Statements for }fay. 6. June report - Building & Technical Inspuction Services. 7. Re lease agreement and option to purcha8e a san1tarJr landfill cotlpactor. 8. He City }ianager's authority re hiring of a civilian appointmEmt to Police Dept. teD1por~ypo5ition. 9. Re Deputy D1.1i.l..cling Inspector, am assistance for a Building Inspector or an Assistant Building Inspector. 10. He Sub-division cost-sharing polic:,r; proposed first reading of ame~ent 1D Subdivision ~-~w.' , lOA.Proposal tor ~~~a1-gallon water tank in Lakel-lOod. lOD.Progress p~nt.."re 'project undertaken under Dept.Regional hconomic ~pansion programme. 10C.Payment of various invoices. t8R:~~tr~ ;g~s; ~:tr=~onJi~r ~~~ ~~oms sw.i.mrrd.ng pool. ,C<JO<<)H CDJUC ., 11. Third reading of amendment to Building By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given July' 12, 1976). (a) - Letter tran Planning Advisory Copmdttee re said proposed amendment. , . . 12. CITY SOLICITOR' Reland on eastem side of Summit Drive.. 1.akewood area. owned by Mr. 1tol1l11d J. 'Maher, aslt. relates to proposed Airport Expressway. - . . ne lISpecial Events Licenseu referred. to in lette:r to e,o,uncU from Ohairman ot the New Brunswick Liquo:r Licensing Board. " t ; : . 13. 14. 15. 16. . CC>>DU'l'TImS Comuittee of the \Jho1e Teport (July ,12). Planning Advisory Committ.ee re acceptance of pa,ment in lieu of land for public purposes, from ~Ta.tles L. Tippett Sub-division. Planning Advisory COtII!1ittee re asoent to sub-division plan for Ba~rs1de Drive ,street tiidening. ~ 17. GEl~, Application from Hanford. Thompson Construction Co. Ltd. for re-zoning of lam aio eastern comer of lorneville Rd. and Ocean v!estway fo:r a proposed sub-division. Ap:Jlication trom Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jensen ror temporary location of a mobile home. Letter tran Dr. 11. M. Watts, 194 Princess St.. re F..xhibition Comr:d.ttee ot CouncU, and re hxhibition Association: taxation. membership on said Association BoaI'd of Directo:!"'s, infornIo. tion re l<.;Xhibition operation. ' 18. 19. / I / / /