1976-07-12_Agenda AGENDA, \ COMMON COUNCIL - as at 9th July, 1976. 1. Meeting ~a1led to order, 4..00 p.m.. July 12 - prayer. 2. Confirznc.tion of minutes (June 28; July 5). 3. Ha~ror's remarks. ACTIl-l.r CITY HAI~ 4. Payment of various invoices. 5. Prog~8S pa;yments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic I:;:~paHsj.on programme. 6. Heport re tenders for Hemorial Field fencing, Recreation Capit.al - 1976. 7. RCl~rt. re 'enders for chipseuling. 8. R<:port re bids for suppl;)'ing salt eLDd for trucl--ing same to Saint John. 9. Report re bids for supp~ring l6-inch~' cre.,nt lined, ductile iron pipe. 10. Report re hiring of Hr. Brir '1 ~}hanks with the Police Dept. 11. HElport 1'8 status of \;estern Police Station. 12. Commissioner of Finance ]'e consolidating motion re Bond Issue. 13. COLmssioner of finance report re-iiirorma.~.~~~quested in respect or canplcted capital projects. ~- ,~._~,~-_. ~ CITY SOLICITOR 14. He t1rlO reconnendatiomj from Building Inspection: (l) amending Building B~r-Law re issuing progressive, or first, t' econd and third phase permits; (2) finalizing adoption of 1975 liui1ding Code. ' I . '.' U1~NE.ttALS 15. Hecreational DeveloJDent Conoittee reporting re Lancaster l1emoria1 Field lighting project. 16. Letter from Liquor Licensing Board Chairr.IDn re standards and enforceuent re liquor outlets, and re control of issuing or licenses am pennits re same. 17. South End DevelOj:1:1ent Corporation Inc. 1'8 enforcement of Unvdghtly Prcr.li.ses ~T_LaW. 18. South Lnd DeveloJDent Corporation Inc. requesting removal of Mells Used Car Lot, Carmarthen St. 19. South bncl DeveloIXtlent Corporation Inc. requesting demolition of abanioned buildings in South j,nd under Fire Prevention Act. 20. Letter from Cities df New Bruns-VTick re: payment of 1976 annual dues of City of ~ai. nt John; pc1.J7;.}Emt of City.s share of the Provincial-Hunicipal Cowlcil cont. 21. Letter from Harbourview Homeo\mers Assoc. requesting restric.tion of 1arge'trucks from their area. ' 22. App1icatton for re-zoning from Lloma Construction to pennit building of to"m houses on Cindy Lee St., Martha Ave. and Mark Dr. 23. Ap:~ccltion for re-zoning from Hilliclgev:l.lle Estates Ltd. to perr.tit building of toy,n house units on Hoel Jl.ve. 24. Letter from Hessrs. lillet, }I',cu"quis & Faloon, Barristers, on ,behalf of Hr. Horwld J. Haber, re lot on eastern side of SULllilit Dr.: granting of a building permit, or Citil" purchase said lot, or City exchange saici lot with Hr. Haber for a City-o.med lot.