1976-06-28_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 25th June, 1976. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. June 28 - pra~rer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (June 14 and ?~). J. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 4. Report re tenders for equipment and services for the new fire station. 5. Progress I payments re capital projects. 6. 1975 repirt of Engineering and vJorks Dept. 7. Report re communications between Council, commissions, and staff. 8. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Deilt.ReGional Economic Developnent proGramme. 9. Payment of invoice. 10. Report 1'8 results of viater testing (re spraying operations). ll. Report' re Marsh Creek flood dCU:.Jage reduction. \ BQ\HDS~ COHMITTEI::S 12. Planning .h~visor.r Cownttee re Hr. hOllald Hargrove mobile home application. l3. Planning Ac\visory ConlDd. ttee 1'8 proposed changes in New Brunswick Telephone Company, Li.L.u.ted · s landscaping plan for the IJork Centre, Hillidgeville. 14. Civic l'.Llployees' Pension Plan BOb.rd of Trustees re l'eti:rement of Mr. Fred Graham,v:orks Dept. 15 . Civic hnp10Y~B' Pension Plan Board of Trustees 1'e retirer,lent of 14r. Vernon Daley,Fire Dept. 16. I'ecreation and' Parks Advisory lid. re request from ~int John Dodger Senior Baseball Club for grant re hosting Cullan National Baseball Team. GElffiRAL 17. Letter from Canadian Union of Public Employees requesting that Chesley Drive be properly repaired to condition pre-pipeline installation - at no cost to City. 18. Letter ifrom Saint John Human DevelO}Dcnt Project 11anagement and Advisory Cornr:rl.ttee inviting participation of two Common Council members to sit on said Conmttee. 19. (a) Petition from residents of yiestbrook A'V!!,., ~~rle5 Drive arxl Jos8e~rn Rd. requesting ~rmiS8ion to make application for .e~'BeI"Vices of City unier previous fee structure. (b) Letter from Hr. D. I. Adler for ttrles Sub-division residents~ appealing against the inc1!ease in api)lication fee for City sewerage. ( c) Let'!ter from 111'. vfillialll II. Dupuis for resident 6 of J osecl~rn Rei., re sewer line exten- siCi'n to said residents, cmd rc increase in applicktion fee for Cit:r sewerage. J l , i ! r I /'