1976-04-25_Agenda '\.. ,A.G END A ... COIK>H COUNCIL - a8 at 21st Hq, '1976. 1. Keet.1ng i:&llecl t.oorder, 'ru8lKl&Y. May 25. 7.00 D.IIl. - prayer. 2. Mayorts remarks. .3. t.OO P.O. - Proposed Zoning By-La.wamendment to rc-zone for P"c18con Brothers Ce. Ltd. lot, east side of, Sea St. betwelllf' 483 and ~9 BeaSt. -(a) - Letter from Planning ItdviSOl"j-' ComrJi.t.tec re said proposoo. re-zoning. 4. 7.Ui..J P.L.. _ Proposed Zoning D~r-Law amendD16nt re .re-zone land, f.iOuth sicle of Boar 1 s Head Hod.., approJCimi,t.el~r 800 feet cast of its intersection with v~ood'Wa.rd hve. and to rear of the H. A. Seaman residence, for Kennebeca.sis Realty Ltd. _ Istter from Plaming Adviuo~r Cor.:unittee re said proposed re-zoning. I> ' _ ProJJ?Sed ~n1ng By-~'W amendment to re-zone land: onc-balfacre of Frank Dustm property, LatJ..Llftr Lakc Ud., for [:;astern Investments Ltd. _ Letter .from. Eastern Investments Ltd., ~lithdrawing application for above named. proposed re-zoning. -Letter frOCl Planning Ad.viSOl1r Comm,ttee re said proposed re-zoning. Ca) 5. 7.00 J?m. (a) (b) 6.:<:\~4'~:'P.m. :"i~J (b) (c) (d) - Presentations re self-service gasoline stations:- _ }-ir.Rodney J. GUlis, Barrister, of Gilbert, McGloan, Gillis & Jones, on behalf of Greater Saint John RetaU Gasoline Healers Association. -Mr. Jo'rank \i. La~', Managing Director, 14a.ritime Retail Gasoline Dealers Association. - Hr. L. Stone, on behalf' ot Gulf Oil Canada Li.r4ited. - R.epert fran City lianager. . . . \; 7. 8.00 p.m. - Mr. Georl.re F. O'Connell, Q. '0., on behalf ot Mr. \lalter BeCkett, requesting Council to approve in principal the proposal to devel.op the Be,ckett Acamac Suh-di vision property. ' ;~l~ CITY 14M~m 8. ' Pa~'1OOht at progress ce~icate re project undertaken' uncler Dept.Regional ~onornic Expan- sion programme. ';;~ 9. Statistical analysis ot sicl~lea lie for permanent City emplQyees. 10. 'lteportretendera rorJ*inting. ll. Report re tenders for crUshing gravel. 12. He.port. 1'e hndscaping utlCi curbing, l"ort Henle Apartments - parking. 13. Re cop\plaint from Miss Blanche G. Jones, 126 Station 5t., re garage operations of . lir.: Jo'red white, next door. 14. Report re Itescue ~iquad services. l5. Ueport re ~ders for motor1zed 'equipnent. 16. 1975 Jmnw,llteport of He creation and Parks Dept. 17. Payment o!invoices. 18. Re sewerage treaUlent loan, Harsh Creek 31~'TP-7(6): (a) rescind Council resolution of August2j,1975 re dehenture; (b) adopt resolution re debenture (see draft resolution). 1 <J. 5ub-d1visiofl Cost-Sharing Policy. 20. lie tenders for demolition 01' former Provincial Hospital. Annex, ~)a.11d. Cove H.o&.d. CITY :JULIGITOR 21. Dra.ft of amendment to \:ater and Sewerage By-Law. (1st reading given Hay 17, 1976). COli-ill)S!Ol-lS 22. 5aint John HousingColllnission re Call for Developnent Proposal 1"e Block 10 area., 50uth Md. ' 23. Letterfron CouncillorDa.vis re water rate change.. 2l~. Letter from Councillor ~re re flooding in Glen Road district. 25. Le.1;ter from Mr. \J. H. Johnston, 36 Pugsley Ave., re self-service gasoline outlets and aQa"doned service stat.ion sites. 26. Re-zon1rlg appl.ication from Sea Side Co-Op Ltd. re property at 25 SumIiler St. - I I I \ 1\