1976-04-05_Agenda - , AGENDA f,OUMON COlmCIL - as at 2nd April, 1976. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m...A~il,:S.- prayer. 2. Confirmation ot minutes (Barch 22 &. 29). J. lw.yor's remarks: resolution re Freedom of City for Dr. R. H. Pendrigh. 4. Presentation by Royal Canadian Legion, Carleton Branch fJo. 2, re new l5-passenger van project to mark 50th anniveraalj' of ,Legion. CITY HANAGlli 5. Progress ~'Jllent8 re projects unier'takcn under Dept..Regional Economic Expansion 6. Progress payment re a capital project. 7. He medical examination progr&1mes - Police and Fire Departments. H. Authority for payment of 1976 rtlal property tax bills re City-owned properties. 9. Hc sub-division agreement. re Holson Ave. townhouse develofJllent. 9A. He proposed ~ckett Sub-division - Martinon ~T-Pa8s, Acamac Hacklarv:l Hd. '~~ Summary Report re Hater Management Study, Marsh Creek iVatershed. progrB8Ull.~, -, e , f COMMON CLERK 10. 'i'hird reading ot Zoning By-Law amendment to permit an ext.ension to Dr. L. G. Zed 'e building at 101 Carleton 0t. to allow oftices of both a d.octor and a dentist therein (1st and 2nd readings given Mar. 29). ' 11. Proposed Zoning By-Law to re-zone a propos cd lot backing onto the St. Joachimts Church and 0ilver Glade NUl'sing Home ~Ting opposite what would be the interscction of Cindy Lee St. and Hartba Ave., for Knights of' Columbus' proposed building (1st reading given Feb. 23, 1976)-r- laid on table one week on Mar. 29~ CITY SOLICITOR llJt. Proposed \.eight Restrictions By-Law. (new). 15. lb. COMKlTThES, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS Burket CoIJrnittee re lease of space on Market Building third floor to Senior Friends Handcraft Guild. . Planning Advisory Cor;uni.ttee re 1976 newly elected officers. P1alUling Advisory Committee re acceptance of' mon~r in lieu of land for public purposes frol:! fo11o\d.ng 5ub-division8:- (1) C. V. Galbraith; (2) \iilliam C. Galbraith; (J) Honte Cristo Park. He Pension lel9-51ntion rc the late A. Summerville. Saint John Housing Comnissior. re ~s8ible Llobile home site on Saint John Lust land assembly projtct. Saint John Parkir;,; C0L1L;~5Si;Jl re proposed parking facility, I:i.ng St. Last, or King Square. 12. 13. 14. 17. 23. GLHERAL Lettcr froL.1 Hin::'ster of Justice rc requested investi[~ation in the CitJT of Saint John \;ith c.ssistance frOTH the }1.oyal Canadian Lounted ;)olice. Re vacant and dCUli.Cit;ecl, ami possibly dilapidated, buildings (Councillor A. Vincent). Ee ,~arbage collection systelH (Councillor h. Vincent). Letter fran C.~.C hanagenent Limited, Stellarton, I:. S. re SobeJrs Store propcrt:,r, Eillidge li.ve. ~aint John Board. of 7.rade letter re propost;d eLi,(;rgency housing shelter for victir..s of fire and/or flood or any otber catCl.st~)he. Jointl'letter front.Mr. and_Mrs. Hurray Kingst9natld:...Mr~and Mrs., David Giffordre ,-'. purcha~e,;of"Ci:tJT ,landd;m Willia.m St., West. 1.)"l1cation frol.l 111'. h.enneth Bro1;~1 re pror>o~t.:d re-zoning of ~oo.t8.00 SlWH!"1ffg~,ti8b lclncl at 1110 I~otltesay Ld. to perml.t conversl.on of preticnt bUltll.nWito O~rl.ce use. 18. 19. 20. 21. 7.2. 24. ~L