1976-04-03_Agenda "t'DKel'>> . ..CCJID{ COUNCIL -a8 at 30th April. 1976~ ... . t. ~ 1.. Haet1ngca1led to order, 4.00 p.m.. Kay 3 - prayer. 2..,Con!1rmaUon of minut.ea (April 20 and 26). , ~3.' Mayor's remarks. eI'n HA.NAGffi 4. Financialstatcents - January and February. 5. Pa~ntot invoices. ." 6. Report on tenders tor construction of masonry walls at lJo. 1 incinerator. 7. Ue civic receptions and aonvention assistance. 8. Rti quel'3T froM four Civic Unions 1"e rringebenefits. 9. Report relay-out of Lancaster J.......' Sports field (re l,{r. J. 1,'ilfredTurner' s letter). 10. ~port. 1"8 correct tul.l:1e of donor at score-clocks o.t new areMS. li.Report re temors to demolish 2$ Broad St.rect 8M 229 Sydney Street.. 12. Heppl"t rerequests by Councillllembers: (a) weight rest.rictions; (b) E18dical e.xaminatioD8 tor City_ployeeo; (c) vacant and dilapidated housing report. 13. Re 1976 Spring Clf~n-Up Campaign.. . \ ., . CI'l'Y SOLICITOR 14.Re j'Urisd1ot.ibn ot laying Inf'ortQatiOll8 for by...la.w prosecutions. l41~.Re MarBbCreek. ~. j CClK>N CLERK 15. Third reading 01' new Dog By-Law (18t and. 2nd ZOtiacl1ngs given Apr. 26,1976). .. .. ~: : :..i " 'j ','j :1 . C<HmTEES " 'I 16. cOan1ttee o~\~ole report (}.~~~S).~.i 17.Co~:L'te8 at Whole "'~t (AprfU.26). , t: la. 'I.and...Ccrnm1tteere rep.1rcluu~e..~ Lat. 22~ J61Hrl~ Ave.. 'from Sabey'e L1mited. :'" ~ 19 _P1tmn1ng Advi8~ ,;Cori:.Q..ht.ee .n'aP.}l1.1cati'On otW1J.lianAUWQ1n1'ie' mobUehQlle lll.acement. ~'.I 20.,Plann1ng Achiso 17 , Co~tit.,ee" reaaaent . to RonjU,d ,and Jerry SrJ1th Sub-di vision. ';' 21. Planniilg Adviuory'..Qomtd.tteere assent to Filippo RoccaSub-div1.s1.on .T8 accepting laM in .. tr,ust' re pubUc purpose and. '.' '. 22. Plarm.ngMvisol'7 ComD11ttee re Zoning BJr_LEl.w and Subd.ivisionBy-Lawaaendnlents re' sfsptio 1iank lOt sizes. I . , . , '~ -" G100::fl.AL 23. Council for Canadian Unity la1.ter reCanadn l'ieek. 24. Lettur from Hr. G. HouglasQue8n re amount paid for 8ub-ciividing lot. 25. Re-zoning application tromBruQe J. Stevens. ~ 26. Re-;zon1ng lip plication trom Mrs. F..i.leen Fudge. ; 27. letter from Min. Blnnche Jonea re huisance caused by r"arage next door to her residence at l, 126 5tation Street. .;; 28. Letter fr<Jl1 l'w. 1. \J. Crandall re Atlantic l.Jational r..y.hillition. ~. 29. Petition fr<x:1 citizens of Simonds JUnior High Bchool re need for thorough police training';: 30. Letter tran Hr. uh.ard A. Farren, Jr.. Simonds Junion High 5chool re need for police training. 31. Lett.er fran 5aint John Branch. Federal Superannuates J.lational Association, re problems re lack of pul)l1c t.ranspor.t.ation. .f t '. \ / I I