1976-03-29_Agenda .~ AGENDA COMMON COlJl.lCIL - ao at 26th March, 1976. 1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.n.. Uarch 29 - prayer. 2. Ma~ror t s remarks. 3. 7.00 ]).n. - Pre 0 e ntnti on of plaque to Cit:r b;r Saint John D~r Dock Huskies Tug of War Team. 4. 7.00 p.n. - PIO posed amendment to Zoning B:r_LaW to re-zon(, for Knights of Columbus, land opposite what "'ould be the interflection of Cindy Lee St. and Hartha Ave. (a) - Letter from Planning Ad viool' y CoLllJi t tee ~ said proposed re-zoning. 5. 7..00 p.n. - Droposed amend!l1ents to Zoning By-Law for Dr. Leesha G. Zed, to permit offices of Loth a doctor and a dentiBt in one building. 6. ? .15 p.m. - Hr. Peter H. Thomas, requesting re-instateLlcnt of 1IH.}1_2lt zoning on the I3rent'l-lood ~)ub-cl1 vision with no construction time restrictions. CITY MANAGhH 7. February ecport - Fire Dept. 8. Eeport re building inspections at Coleson Cove thermal plant. SA. Ee fundinr, for flood control works, Marsh Creek watershed. HB.He 1976 summer fi~ skatin 9. Eeport re wooden sewer, Haymarket Squm'e; re sewer, Marsh bridge. progr. CITY SOLICITOR 9A. T:e }1roposed amendment to Abattoir Act. 10. He proposed City bJr-law re accoLllllodation standard control of rent; re proposed enabling lesislation re such a by-1m-T. COlllHTrhLS. BOARDS li. COIilIuttee of the nlole report (l-1arch 22). 12. Lc'1.nd Committee re Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs housing projects, Portland Place. 13. Board of 'rrustecs, Civic bnployees' Pension Plan, re l"Ctirement of y;illiam L. Kin:sston. 14. Historic Sites and hvents CoI:lIl1ittee re observance of lOOth anniversa~l 01' 1877 Great F're in ;)aint John. GLHLHAL 15. He regulations re 10it(!r-ing (GO\Ulcillor Parfitt). 16. Ec pra:rer brel:klf'ast (Councillor Parfitt). 17. }(e County Gaol (Councillor NacGowHn). 18. Letter froTH Co-OrdirllSting GOr.1'.littee of the four civic Unions re legislCit.ion re e.,CClllisition of !lClst pensional:le service b~r former County civic cr.1ployees. 19. Letter frotl ~ocial ;..;ervicee Council of Greater ~)aint John re cut-back in bus service of Cit~r ':.'rcltlsit Ltd., afj'ecting ocnior citizens and handicappt'd persons, and volunteer service persons.