1976-03-22_Agenda ;r AGENDA COlOON COUNCIL - as at 19th March, 1976. 1. Meeting called. to ordor, ~.OO p.m.. March 22 - prayer. 2. ConfirJllil.tion of minutes (March 8 and 15). 3 . Mayor' 0 remarks. cm MAUAGrn 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Payment of V'c:Lrious invoic6s. Februa17 report: Technical & Inspection Services, including Plumbing. Progress pa.,ments re various Cllpital. projccts. lrogress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic l~pansion programme. Re gravel pit applications, 1976: (a) John Colwell, Thomas Construction, on behalf of Mrs. Mary Harris; (b) John Cohrell, on behalf of Fred Kirkpatrick; (c) Joseph Steele. Re C.N.R. railway spur line, McAllister Industrial Park. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. COMl~. COMlUSSIONS Planning Advioory Committee re Douglas IeBlanc mobile home appl1&tion. Planning Advisory C~ttee re Ivan Nelson application re r:lobUe home. Planning Advisory Corutlittee re extenoion of mobile home permit to Northern Construction Co. Planning Advisor.r Committee re acceptance of concy in lieu of land tor public purposes" from M. B. Cassidy Sub-division. PJ.anning Adv160ry Committee re assent to Marion Bennett Sub-<iivision plan - part ot Norris Road widening. . Planning Advisory Committee re subatitution ot deve1o}Jl1ent plan re re-zoned property on Molson Ave. of }1an!ord Thomp60n. Saint John Hnusing C~_8sion re availability ot N.B.Housing Corporation land for housing (between Dr. \Y. l~. Roberts Hoopital School and the Co-Operative Housing land, Sand Cove Rd.: Saint John Housing Conunission re: need to seek legislation re accanmodation standard control of rent; draft by-law. Historic Sites alld Lvents Committee re use ot part of Fort Howe site" Magazine Street, as parking lot. l8. 19. GlOO~RAL Re City-owlled properties in area ot former City Hall, Prince ~li11iam Street (Councillor Kipping) . Saint John Industrial Parka Ltd. re City's guarantef;' to Bank of Montreal over outstanding amount of bank loan. Letter from Mr. George F. O'Connell, solicitor for Mr. Beckett, re proposed Beckett sub-cl1vision developnent, Martinon ~r-Pa8s - Acamac Backland Road. Letter from N.B. Branch, United Empire Loyalists' Assoc. of Canada, re Hay 18, 1976 Loyalist Uay flag raising cerCJ:lony am youth parade. I..etter from Mr. Ralph J. Stephen, solicitor for Caldo Ltd., re Hillidgeville :Estates, Pha' J; re City's rights of access affecting Parcels A and B on the Bub-clj.vioion plan. Letter of protest (received from numerous persons) re Council's decision to cut back on m~ber of days per year that City rinks will be in operation. .20. 21. 22. 23. 24. j 'i ;