1976-03-08_Agenda ...' '.. '1T I AGEIJDA .. COMMON COllliCIL - as at 5th March, 1976. ,II I; i. Meeting called. to order, 4.00 p.m.. March 8 - prayer. 2., Conf'irma tion of minutes (Fcbruary 23; March 1). 3 . Mayor's remarks. CITY MAj.jAGI.;H 4. Re demolition of No.1 fire station, King St. Last; re nevI' fire station, King St. 1ast. 5. Report re clilergen~' lighting, CitJ' Hall. 6. Progress payment re a capital project. 7. Progress pel.yments re projects undertaken under Dept.Hegional Lconomic Lxpansion programme. 8. , Heport re apprel.isal on ParrtoWl1 :'averns Ltd." 31 Ivater St.; re I>UJruont of accounts from Appraisals (Fund~f Ltd.).(pa~'t.1ent laid on table Feb. 23, 1976). 9 . j~o port em tenders for Police and Fire Departnenta cl$thing. lO. JanuaJ"j<- report, Fire Dept. li. Approval of iteos for prelirlliM~r capital programHe, 1976. 12. Report on tenders for demolition ot 220-224 Charlette st., and 228-230 Charlette St., and 81 Britain St. 13. Report l'e damages Duatnined in Feb. 2, 1976 wind storm. l3A.Report re harbour bridge insurance. l3B.Re hiring policr, Saint John Police Dept. j ~ CI7Y SOLICITOR 14. HH request made by Mr. JI.. H~ liilbert ,~. C., solicitor for propert~r ovmers in Glen Falls flooding area that no further building pennits be issued, and that all huildings being constructed under presont building permit_, until the flooding situation is remedied. 15. Letter 1'rOOl ~int John Board of Trade re above noted request of Glen Falls flOOding area residents. 16. Letter fl'om Lawson Hotors Ltd. re Rnove noted requost of Glen }'alls flooding area ~ residents. (letter \-.rritten on beh.J.fDfLm:80n ~Iotor8 Limitod, Central Uluipl1(mt, Tri-Provinc~ Leasing, D tc J Hotors, Atlantic Auto Parts, Fair~'iCather Tirt~s Ltd. Hnd East Side Hot0I's). : 17. Letter from Hr. \.allace S. Turnbull, of PClllOOr, O'Conncll, Leger, '...'urnbull & '.i.'urnbull, . Barristers, on behalf 01' landholders Clnd liUsmes8 IClcn in East LOO of city, requesting to be heard rc above nott-'C1 request of 1,1100 Falls flooding area residents. 18. Let tel' 1'1'001 Saint John Construction Association, Inc.; reque~,ting an opportunit;,' to discuss the propost:cl curtailr.1ent of construction in the Lflen Falls v;atersbed. 19. Letter fror,l Saint Johr, , ana District liome Builders Association, rcqut.sting to be ht;ard regarding thc propmled curtailment of conotruction in the Glen Falls vlHtersheli. COHMI0~iIuNS , COlfl-1ITTLl;;S ~ B0A}illS 20. COlll:d.ttee of the \,'hol(~ l'epOl't (Barch 1). 21. Lourd of Trustees, Civic fuployees I Pension Plan, advising of employees dtw to retire. 22. Planning Jldvisory COLll.uttee rc: assent to Hillidgeville Estates, Phase 5 & Alpha Investments Dub-u.ivision plan. 23. ~int John Housing CoIi1l:ussion re oI5eration of Cedar Point Hobile Homt.: Pary.. 24. Saint John Housing COIJLussion re possibili t:,r of using ~'onner ~aint John ':'uberculosis Hospital for housing accoIJlL1ooC1.tions. , " GLUE-HAL 25. Follow-up letter frOI.1 Shillington Hoad residents re previous request for v;ater and s6vierage on saiel Hoad. 26. Petition from 0cnior Citizens of Loch LomoOO Villa re bus s;)fstem. 27. Lett,er from H. Gerald Tced Home &. School Assoc.' re lowering of speed lir:rl.t on M.ll1dge Av. at Boar's Head Hd. intcrsection; re erection of a school cross-walk sign at the Danit~l A Vt:: . -Vdllid ge Ave. crOf:> s-walk. 28. Letter fronl M:r. \:illlam H. Hintern re City budgetary rest)'ainls. 28A .Application froLl John Paul Realt;)' requesting re-zoning of propertJ', Sand Cove Rd.., off \/allace Court. 29.. ApIJlica tic>n from Joan T. Nelson for a temporary permit for a mobile home. . -.......,