1976-02-16_Agenda a. . . Anl~NDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 13th Febrtll ry, 1976. 1. Meeting called to order, February 16. 1976 - 1l.00 P.Jn. - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGm 3. 4. 5. , 'J) . " I I "'- .. Payment of various invoices. Decuab8l"iriport - \lorks Branch of 1hgineering & Works Dept. Re Saint John Fundy Region Duvelo}:Jl1ent Conmission. Report re King St. East fire station. '1 j ,~ COMMON CUltK 7. Third reading of closing of Third St. (also known or formerly known as Snow St., also known or formerly known 8S Short St.) (let & 2nd readings given Feb. 4, 1976). 8. Third reading of itA By-Law to Formulate Plans in the Event of a CoJlll1Ul'lity Disaster" (let & 2nd readings givenJ.'ob'-.e, 1976). 9. Third roading of amendment to Subdivision By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given l"eb. 9,1976). ~.: ~ . ; ~ :' ]j~. COMMISSIONS Ie COMMITl'EES Commi ttee of the tlhole report (l"eb. 9). Planning Advisory Conu::dttee re mobile home application trom Mr. Terry Robichaud. 'j Planning Advisory Commit.tee re application from Dr. Leesha G. Zed" per Mr. R. J. Stephen, I, Barrister, for amendment to Zoning By-~w. 1 Plarming Advisory Collll'.ilittee re mobile home application from Messrs. Wilfred and Vincent i ~~~. J, Planning AdviSOl1r Committee re acceptance by City of payments in lieu of lend tor public ~ purposes from, (1) Mr. Bertram Queen; (2) Canadian Pacific Railwq. ~ Planning Advisory Committee re amendment to Subdivision By-Law re temporary overhead { utility installations. 1 Saint ,John: Housing Commission re CoDD'lission's August 1975 report on t.he Housing Task ForceJ, .~ t J t j CITY OOLICIT<Jl 10. Re Claude Lanthier et al. vs. Omega Investments Limited and the City of Saint John a. Third Party. ll. 12. ]03. l5. 16. 17. '. , Gl'1lERAL 18. Letter re enforcement of Dog By-Law in conjunction with new garbage collection s,ystem (Councillor Kipping). 19. Letter re representation of citizens' opinions and feelings re illegal work stoppages (Councillor Kipping). 20./ Letter fran Saint John Board of Trade re solving flood conditions caused by Marsh Creek. 21. Letter from Elementary and Junior High School Principals' Assoc. of School District 20, protesting the cutting of school-crossing guards. 22. Letter from Maritime Automobile Assoc. expressing concem re reduction of number of adult school-crossing guards and. suggesting use of traffic light, pedestrian cross-walk, or school safety patrols as an alternative method. 22A.Letter from Canadian Assoc. for the HentallJ,r Retarded, Saint John Branch Inc. re grant for 1976. 23. Letter from Saint John City Hall Employees' Union, weal 486, C.U.P.}~. re emergency lighting for stairways in City Hall building. ,---- ~,.._..~.".,..'"-