1976-01-19_Agenda .. . AGEnDA COHHON COUNCIL - as at 16th JAnuary, 1976. 1. Ht.teting called to order, 7.00 PeLle. JarllJELry 19 - prayer. 2. Mayor' 8 remarks. 3.. 7.00 p.m. - Presentation of Brief by Hr. George F. Teed re garbage collection, Cit~r of ~1nt John. CITY MANAGm _~ 4. Payuent of invoice from Steri Systems Ltd., Rescue Squad (paramedic) equiIJl1ent. 5. Heport re 1975-1976 operation of City nrenas, as related to recreation programmes. CITY SOLICITOR 6. Report re Omoga action. COMHITTEES 7. Plcmning Jldvisory CoLli'llttee re Petrofina CarlfLda Limited proposed car wnsh ani service station on City Road property. ti. Planning Advisory Conmnttee re alteration of Council resolution re Acadia Contractors Limited apctrtment building proposal, Forest City Street (on land already re-zoned for said company). 9. Planning AdviSOl"',)r Cor:mttee re mobile home application from Mrs. Isabel Gibson. 10. Blamling AdviSOI"JT Commit tee re acceptance or pa~"Llents in lieu or land for public purposes fron: (1) John Stuart Baird; (2) Reid and\iiggins Sub-clivision. GENEH.AL 11. H.e Question ani An6Wer period at Council sessions Councillor Kipp:lhg). 12. Re tir:lC of COlilIl18nCement or Council meetings (Councillor Kipping). ~' 13. Re winter condition of streets and sidewalks (Councillor Kipping). 14. Letter fran Mr. V. R. Brien, 110 Central Avenue, re Garbage D~r-Law. "