1975-12-15_Agenda ~ AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 12th December, 1975. .. 1. Meeting called 1:.0 order, 4:.00 p.m.. December 15 - prayer. 2. Confirmation ot minutes (Dec. 1 and 8). :3. Mayor f s remarks. 4. 5.30 p.m. - Hr. Edoardo \'[eis, Director of Saint John School of Marine Technology, introducing the first Board of Directors of The Universttyof Marine Science.. CITY MANAGllL 5. Re tenders for Lancaster Lagoon Lift Station. 6. Progress paJ.'JJlonts re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 7. Progress .payments re capital projects. 8. Re sub-division agreement with Lloma Construction re Silver l"alls Park, Phase VIII. 9. Re CotU1ci1 resolution supporting application to Federal and Provincial Govts. by North Eoi Neighbourhood Association for programme planning runding for North hnd Neighbourhood Inpravcment ProgramI!le. 10. Re tenders for demolition of 48 Broad St. il. November report - Division or Technical and Inspection Services. 12. Financial Statements - October. 13. October and November reports - viater and Sewerage Division of Viorks Dept. 13A.Re tenders 1:.0 demolish 9-11 Peters rJharf: (a) rescind Dec.l,1975 Council resolution award- ing contract; (b) awarding of this contrnct to another bidderj (c) return .f tender deposit to original successful bidder. J.3B.Re P1"8pesal. to repair and make sare the upper rour feet or 154-160 Prince v;illiam St. 13C.Payment of various invoiccs'as listed). COMMOU CLIRK 14. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for Dalmac Ltd., propert~r on easterly side of City Line, known as 460 City Line (1st << 2nd readings given Dec. 8). 15. Third reading or Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone ror Acadia Contractors Ltd., property with frontage on both Forest City St. and Pleasant City St. (1st & 2nd readings given Dec. 8). 16. Third reading or by-law amendment to close portions of Lowell St. and Bayshore Rd. (1st & 2nd readings given Dec. 8). . (a) _ Petition from residents of Lowell st. ani City Line protesting the clouing of Lowell 0t. and Bayshore Rd. thus making Lowell St. a dead-end street. COMMITTEl:.s. BOARDS 17. Hoard of Trustees, Civic l'hployees' Pentlion Plan, re rt.:tireL1ent of IiI-. Frank Godsoe, Police Dept. 18. Land Gomnittee re purchase of land at ~)econd Loch Looond fran lire Thomas HcGrath (one- eighth interest in said property). 19. Planning J\(lviElorr COLll'ait.tee re request of Dr. L. Freednan for conversion of 108 1..aterloo 5t.. to residential on ground or baaeuent rloor (pursuant to deferred \\r1dening b:r_1aw). GU~U~AL 20. Letter frotl l1a~ror FlevlVlel1ing re budgetary control. 21. li.e Cor:mttee of \ hole report of Decer:1ber l, 1975 re long-service pc'l;}'" to non-Union emi)lo~'ees (Councillor Green). 22. Progress report rrom Airport DevelojDent Commit.tee re Airport 11aster Plan for ~aint John (Councillor Davis). 23. Letter from Hr. ?eter ~}. lilennie, solicit.or for Hobbins, Lioited, requesting first,and possibly second, reading on Dec. 15 by Council re proposed re-zoning of former Eastern Bakeries Lir:1ited property at 406 Douglas Ave. 24. Letter on behalf of The Rocca Group asking for an alteration to the Cocllcil resolution on the re-zoning (already enacted) for loJ.lerdale Place to allow a different lo~ation for a hi~;t -rise building along 1:J.1erdale St. 25. Letter from ~iuonds Lions Club, requesting the erection of either an over-pass or under-pase for pedestrians crossing Loch Lanond Rd. in front of loch Lamond Villa and the Loch Lamond Shopping Centre. 26. Let.ter from New Brunswick Branch, United }:apire Loyalists' Assoc. of Canada, re observance of two hi-centennial anniversaries of signifigance to Sc'dnt John ani New BrunS\lick. 27. Application from Petrofina Canada Ltd. to build a car vlash service station on City Hoad property, west of new Mr. Muffler Building.