1975-12-08_Agenda '1 A\GENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 5th December, 1975. 1. Meeting called to orderJ 7.00 p.m.. December 8 - prayer. 2. Mayor's reIIli\.rks. 3.7 .00 p.D.' - Propoat~cl amendr.1cnt to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Alpha Investments & Agencies Ltd., land along Universit~' Ave., 5 acres, more or less. (a) - Letter from Planning Adviflorr Comr.1ittee re same. 4.. 7.00 p.lli. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Acadia Contra.ctors Ltd., lots on Forest City ~}t. and part of lot on Pleasant City St." (a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Con~~ttee re same. 5. ?QO p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Dalnac Ltd., land on easterly side of City Line. (a) - Ltltter frotl Planning Advisolj' Cor.1fJittee re same. (a) p.m. - Proposed closing of portions of Lowell St. am I3a.yshore Rd. " p.r~ - Hr. ~ A. Nason, Barrister, or Hr. Douglas Evans, Barrist.er, subI:1i.tting presentation on behalf of 3cho1ten bnterprises Ltd. (the applicant for re-zoning of property at 770 Bay St.). - Letter from Hr. Rodney J. Gillis, Barrister, of Gilbert, HcGloan, Gillis &: Jones, requesting a hearing on behalf of Hr. Dennis, Cormier, re re-zoning application from Scholten Enterprises Ltd. 6. '7. 7.00 7.15 7A.7.30 p.m. - Mr. v;illirun McCarroll, Chah'Illan of Recreational Devclopnent Comr.ri.ttee, subLlitting a brief re lighting at Hemor1al Field, "cst. _ Covering letter from Recreation ani Pb.rks Advisory Hoard re same. 8. CITY VJ\.NAGl.R Heport rc tenders for supply of gasoline ar..d oils. 9. COMl-l0N CL11tK Third reading of amendment to Litter By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given D~c. 1, 1975). 10. 11. i I CITY SOLICITOlt He e;i:ecution on behalf of Cit~r of Release of Right-of-\'~ay(re pc1.rt of an access to wat~;:rline right-of-\JaY, Spruce Lake to Ghurch Ave.) to Hurray S. Linton." he riocol:unendat1on b:" City Hanagcr for payment to Grove Construction Limited for losses hy company through delay in demolition of 15 Dock St. He the application made by Federal Dept. of Public viorks for re-7,oning of City-ov-.ned land'c~jacent to Green Lake off Grand Bay by-pass (for medilw-security penal institution) 12. COHHITTlI'..5 13. COTfcl t tt?e of t he MlOl(~ report (De c. 1). 13J..HecoDuenclation from Traffic and Safety Cor.mttee re proposed Traffic B~r-Law C1Illendment. Gl.JiEP.AL l4.. l~eport of the University of New Bruns..dck Saint John Campus Review Comr:d.. ttee. 15. f.eso1ution proposed by Hayor P1ewwelline re accessability to southern I~ew Bruns\,:ick ,of satellite support 1"11 radio net\iOrk of Canndian Broadcasting Corporation. 16.; Petition frorJ. residents of St. Catht::rine 3tl'eetre snow rffilOVaJ... 17. P<otition from residents of J..lexandra utreet re aho1ition of over-night pE,rJ.:ing on said street. 18. Nqtice of 1: .B.Liquor Control COLlTllssion hearing rc club licenne application of Thistle Gl,trling Club Inc. 19. l~tice of !J. I3.Liquor Control Cor;ull.ssion ht:al'ing re beverage rDom license Ci:->pliccc tion (!)f ~)L1i ttJrf s Pub Ltd. 20. nistrict 20 .Boarqof SohooL..TrWitees.'.letter i'nequcflt.'ng improved eni'orcement of City rurfew By-Law. 21. IJotice of l:.B.Liquor Control C01;lI!dssion hp.aring re tavern license application of A.D.H. Holdings Ltd.