1975-11-24_Agenda "-"'- . AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 21st November, 1975. 1. Heeting called to order, 7.00 P.c.. Novecber 24 - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. I~~e~~tion of Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee Certificates of Merit to:- (a) Mr. and Mrs. R. \'1000, 56 Mecklenburg Street; (b) Ilona Forgo, 2463 Candace Street; (c) Francis Nickson, 31 Jean Street. (a) - Letter from Planning Advisory Cor.Jmittee re proposed Zoning By-Law amendment for Scholten Properties re 770 Bay St. property (hearing of re-zoning deferred from Nov. 10 Council meeting pending COlIl'ui ttee' s recommendation). - Letter frOOl Hr. ~n A. Nason, Nawon & Collier, Barristers, on behalf of Scholten PropertiE;s, re additional information for Planning Advisory Cocm1ttee re said rc-zonir~ application. r , ., 4. 7.00 p.m. I. I). ~.; .j I CITY MANAGER 5. Payment of asphalt invoice (Ste phen Construction Co. Ltd.). 6. Pcwment of equiJ.1Ilent rental invoices (D. Hatfield Ltd.). 7. Heport re City Hall building cleaning. 8. Re Market Square property expDOpriations. 9. Re gasoline tanks at service stations. 9A.Shell Oil gasoline tank application. 10. Application fran Haurice Muir, Morna Heights, for temporary plCJ.cement of a mobile home. il COMMITTEES. COMMISSIONS ll. Planning Advisory COI.aruittee re re-zoning of land in Parks St. area; tying layout of buildings in this area on sutxnitted plan.. to Lloma Construction deve10JJllCnt plan. 12. Planning JldviSOIjr COLmttee re Lot 6, Allison Shillin!,rton Sub-div:ision, and assent to pJbn ot proposed Lot 5 l1nd of proposed Lot 6. 13. Saint John Port Deve1oj'Ecnt Commission in rEply to letter from Saint John Dintrict Labour Council' 8 letter 1'8 tonnage of flour and asbestos through.. port ot Saint John. .~ G:E.NLRAL 14. Letter frOOl K.B.M. Outing Association Inc. finalizing their correspondence with Council of April 7th, 1975 re financial arrangements. 15. Knif)lts of Columbus, Saint John Council, Ho. 937, letter 1'e Nativity scene, King Square. ~ t '} J ~ "i { ., " .~ .~ " I i ;j '1 :,1 .. ~'~ ~