1975-11-10_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL as at 7th November. 1975. 1. Meeting called. to order. 7.00 p.m.. November 10 - prayer. 2. Ma~ror' B remarks. 3. 7.00 p.m. (a) 4. 7.00 p.n. (a) (b) 5. 7.oU p.m. (ll) 6. 7.00 p .r:1. (a) - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-~one 2435 OeCM \;estway for Mr. Joseph Dunham (approximately 2 acres of land). - Lettcr from Planning hdvisory Committee re same. - ;)roposed re-zoning aocndment to Zoning B;}'-Law for 111'. Lloyd D. Pierce, Lloyd's Heating ~ervice Ltd.. to re-zone wt n on Brown ~t. - Letter froLl hr. t'i11iam H. l1i.ntern objecting to said re-zoning. - Letter from Planning Advisory Comnittee re proposed re-zoning. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendr.1ent to re-zone 770 Bay ;..it. for Scholten Pl'O perti es . - Letter from Planning Adviso~" CoLlUittee re proposed re-zoning. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land on both sides of Thorn- brough St., between properties on Jmglin Drive and on northerly side of Parks St. Ext. (npproxima te1y 32 acres). for Lloma Constructi on Ltd. - Letter from Planning Advisory Conmittee re proposed re-zoning. 7. 7.;30 p.m. - Hrs. Detty Sleep, speaK~ng regarding a traffic sitwtion on Prince Edward Street l'lhich she brought to Council'a attention on July 21st, 1975. em HANAGI:n 8. Re Ideal Stores Ltd. application to repoint part of building, Union St. 9. He automobile insurance. 10. Eo Deput;r Building Ins pector. li. }:e proposed agrecncnt between participants in Saint John Fundy Region Developnent C01,'1I",11 ssi on. liA.Il.e changes to Building By-Law (laid on table Oct. 20, 1975). COHHOH Cl.EHK 12. Letter from Hr. I;orman A. Lockhart submitting correspondence re expropriation of his property for Hi1ford-Rando1ph-Greenda.1e sewer project, vlith reference to Item 1 in his letter of liilrch 14th, 1974 to Heal Estate Dept. KJGt re r(~pair5 to drivcv,ay and iru:.1edi~l te area. 13. Letter from Hr. Lorman A. Lockhart sub;Utting his account for :;>200.00 re costo re expropriCltion of his propel'ty above noted - l'e his ~bjection. CI7J: ~)OLIcI70n 14. :L€ proposed Clgreenent between participants in ~aint John Fundy Eegion Developnent Corlljli~;6ion. COHl1rl'Ti:!~, G()lJ=;:';3I()!J~ 15. P1Hmling l-dvisory GorJuittee l'ecomraending ar.lendmell."'vs to 0ubdivision 1:r-La\[. 16. Planning Ac.visory COllni.ttee re llrs. Lferald Nelanson application re temporar~r p1c:.ceaent of a r:lobile home. 17. Pli.J.nning hclvisory Cocr.rl.ttee recom::lending asser.t to ',estr.lorland Grove ~Uh-Clivision, ?hclse I plan. 18. P..esignOition of Councillor A. Vincent from Saint John Fundy Regional Develoj:ment Com:n:i.ssion. 1~~. L<~ttt;r fror,l Civic Improvement ani Beautification Cor:urdttee regrob1em of litter on streets. 20. Letter from ~)aint John Housing Conmission re asse!:lb~r of lcmd project, ~)c1itlt John l.ast (between Grandview JI,ye. and hicke;;r Ed. ): feCLsibi1ity of using portion of scune for I:lobi1t homes. 21. Letter from Historic Sites and lwents Gor.1f.u.ttee subraitting 1976 budget. GEWltAL 22. Applic<'etion from hr. and Era. 'I'errance j~obichaud for temporary p1acenent of r'lobile home. 23. ApplicOition from Dalmac Ltd. for re-zoning at 460 Cit;r Line, Saint John \:est. " " \ ,