1975-09-02_Agenda AGENDA 1. 2. COMMON COUNCIL - as at 29th Aug\Ist, 1975. Meeting called to o!tier, 7.00 p.m. . Tuesday. September 2 - prayer. " }fay-or · s remarks. - Proposed ~ning B~r-Law aoendment to re-zone for Messrs. Nonnan Sf-lith and J. Arthur FlClK)d, 7.5 acres of lam on Loch Lomond Rd., north of 243-261 Loch 1.o00nd Rd., behind tbe Simonds 116dical Centre. - Letter from Planning AdvisoIjT Cor.unitte~ re same. P.r.l. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for the Rocca Group Ltd. the area behind the G & R apartments on Ellerdale St. (next to Lt4Iane,se Club, \lestmorland Rd.) and the intersection of Hc1.rgaret ~t. and f.J.le'rdale St. - Letter 1'rom Planning Advisory Conu;1i ttee re sarJe. 3. I~)O p.m. (.30 p.m. (a) 7.10 p.m. (a) 7.30 D.~1. (a) 7 .:~O n.n. .~ - Proposed Zoning By-Law arnendmen te tOo -By-Law text. - Letter from Mr. l1ichaell~. O'Brien objecting to Section 131 Amendment re abol8. - Pl~oposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zont! for the H.occa Uroup Ltd. land in ; Nelson Vale Sub-division off Hanmmgonish Hd. ; Letter from Planning J.d visor;}' Cornu t teere sClme. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for Petrofina Canada Ltd. the northvlest corner of Loch Lomond He!. and McAllister Drive. - J..etter from Planning Advisory Comraittee re same. !I :J !i , ,j . ~ ,~ 'kj .. l~ I. l l l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (a) 7.30 - Proposed 20ning By-Lalol amendment to re-zone for Service Associates Ltd. the north\'lest corner of Adelaide and Metcalfe sts. (r'1ash Huff1er Ltd.). - Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re same. , ' " 'j, ;./.1 , .. ~ 'j -l { ;~ <. \;' - Pro pesed Zoning By-Law amendment to establish 'leU Conaervation ~ne classification. (Note:- no readings given) - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone as a "C" Conservation Zone the .h area described in acivertiseoent, Saint's Rest Marsh area , copies of previoue correspondence re same are provided). (Note: no readings given) - Letter from Planning Advisory COLunittee, datlrd June 17, 1975. - Letter from Mr. John P. Palmer, Q. C., solicitor for l1r.r'. Gordon Carvell, Mrs. Willa P. Hoyt and Mrs. Edith Payne ()'1r . Palmer to appear at meeting). - Hr. .A. D. Gilbert, Q. C., appearing on behalf of .J. D. Irving Ltd. - Letter from Mary Majko, Hillsborough, h. D., re conservation of ::>aint's Rest Marsh.- " ;..'1 1 1"" }.~ l: t 10. Letter from 1'he Cancicla Life Assurance Company re pension plan. .~ '~ (a) 9. 7.10 p.m. li. Le 1975-1976 \forking Agreen€flt \,ith ~;aint John Civic ha;)loyees' Union, LocHl 18, :/f C.lI.p.l,. (a)