1975-08-18_Agenda . . " AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 15th August, 1975. 1. H~et1ng called to order, 7.0U p.L"!.. AUi;llst 18 - pl'aJTer. 2. Confirmation of uinutes (J.ugust 5 tr. 11). 3. ~lliyor's remarks. 4. 7.15 p.n. - Hiss Blanche G. JontS 01' 126 ~tation St., re eff(~ct on h(~r :JJ'o:)(;~rt~T from Baxter Dairies Ltd. plant. 5. 7.30 p.m. - Hr. Hichael N. O'Brien, ~kcretar~.T-Treasurer of LSO Enterprises Ltd., requt;sting acceptance by Cit;r of noLlinal pa~TLlent in lieu of providing parking for propoBed restaurant-beverb.[;e room at 9-11 Sydne:r St. 6. 7.45 p.Ll.. - Presentation by Mr. Louis L. Eurphy of petition from rCDidents of Hilford, Randolph, Church i\v~nu~, ani others who use railvm:r crossing on Church ".venue several times ciai~', re neeesflitJ' of keeping this crossing clear of trCl.ins parked across the high,''laJr; re removal of selid crossing or to build an overpass or und~rpa5s to rectify the 5i tUCition. 7. "o_ttee of the nlole report (Au,~Gt ll). b. Letter fran Saint John District Labour Council re Bill 89 - proposed Provinci;'ll j)olice Jlct (referl'ed to Comnittee of \~bole on August 11). 'J. Letter from Councillor Pye re opposition to establishmt;nt of a w~diun securi t:' j)rison in Nartinon area.