1975-07-07_Agenda COMMON COUNCIL - as at 4th July, 1975. AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order, 1.00 p.m.. JulY 1 - pr~er. 2. MaJor's remarks. 3. 1.00 p.m. (a) 4. 1.00 p.m. (a) ;. 1.00 p.m. (a) 6. 1.15 p.m. 7. 1.45 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-L1w to re-zone tor A. C. Fairweather. . Sons Ltd. land ott the northerly side ot Ashburn Road. - Letter trom Planning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone tor Clearv1ew Mobile Homes Ltd. land on Manawagonish Road (near Gault Road intersection). - Letter trom Planning Advisory Committee re said proposed re-zoning. - Proposed closing ot Sutton Street. - Letter t'rom Mr. Harry W. Adams, 424 Lancaster Street, W.st, Objecting to said olosing. -. Presentation ot Brief' trom Tranaportation CoDllli ttee ot Saint John Board ot Trade regarding tr~ic conditions in the City. - Delegation trom Taxi Owners and Drivers Assooiation re (a) appointment ot a tull-t1me Taxi IDapector; (b) increase in the minimum tare ot $1.00; and (c) several changes in departmental regulations ot the Pollee and Fire Departments. CITY MANAGER 8. Re Irving Oil L1m1ted oil pipeline - Liceue and Easement. LAND COMMITTEE \9. Land Committee re purchase ot tour easements tran Irving intereats re Marsh Creek. '10. Land Committee re purohase of easement tran Irving interest. re Spruce Lake. 11. Land Committee re purchue ot easement trom Irving interests re Western Residential Collector Sewer. 12. Land COlIIIIdttee re easement trom Irving interests re Marsh Creek Trestle. 13. Land Committee re purchase ot easement trom Irving interests re Miltord-Randolph- Greendale sewer. 14. Land Committee re lease and granting ot land trom Irving intereste re pump house on Green Head Road and pumping station on Dwyer Road, respectively', re Miltord- Randolph-Greendale sewer. 15. Land Committee re.!.xchange ot land with Irving interests re McDonald Street-Mount Pleasant Avenue. 16. Land Committee re exchange ot land with Irving interests re B~sideDDrive and Courtenay :a~ Causew~. 17. Land Committee re exchange ot land with Irving interests re McAllister Drive Arterial. 18. Land Co.mm1 ttee re Irving Oil pipeline easement. ~."~..':-,!S}