1975-06-30_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUOOIL - aD at 27th June, 1975. 1. 2. .3. 4. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.n'l June 30 - prayer. Confirmation of minuteD (June 23). Mavor's remarks. Pr~sentation of Governor-General's Canada Safety Council Certificate of Merit to Mayor for City of Saint John (fa.tality-free during Safe-Driving \.eek 1974)-(Councillor }~cGowan). 5. 6. 7. CITY MANAGI~ 1974 annual report - Saint John Jo'ire Dept. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept..Regional Economic Expansion programme. Tehder I-e}X>rt re construction of sanitary sewer and water main - Lakewood. Ave., Pauline ~t. ani i:estbrook Ave. Tender l'eport re supply and installation f:L a pre-engineered steel building for an addition to chlorination plant at Latimer Lake. MaJ' report - Division of Technical and Inspection Services. Re tender award for blue shirts for Police Dept. !La Irving Oil L1m1'ted oil pipeline - License and Easement. Agreement re Provincial School for Fire Fighters, at No.8 Fire Station at Hillidgeville. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. COMMON CLERK Third reading of proposed amendruent to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Galbraith Construc- tion Ltd. an area of land on the east side of Gault Rd. (1st &: 2nd readings given June 23, 1975). 15. COMMITT.EJ~S AND C01~ISSIONS Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re underground wiring - particularly the King ~treet-r~ng ~quare area and oth er tourist focal point s .. as a D.R .g.E. or L. I. P. project. Planning Advisory Committee re zoning of wiest Side GODlLlunity Hospital property. Mimici~..Pl8mdpgCDir.ecto~ re problem created by extreme tree cutting and grading on l!r. !ouis Michael lot in the rear ot am adjoining properties of residents of ~Joocl.8ide Park. Saint John Housing Commission ~ policy clarification re acquisition of land for housing developnent. Saint John Housing Commission re nt:ed by Commission or the 8ervices of a Housing Co-Ord.ine- tor. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. GLJilmAL Application from Rocca Construction Ltd. on behalf of Baxters Dairies for re-~oning to pennit an extension to existing Baxters plant on Hillidge Ave. Application from Alpha Investments t-t Agencies Ltd. for re-zoning of land on GlenvimJ Avt, Glen Falls. 21.