1975-06-23_Agenda .... AGENDA CQMMOlJ COUNCIL - as at 20th June" 1975. 5. 7.00 P.Ill. (a) (b) (c) 6. 8.00 p.m. , 7. 8.10 p.m. 1. Meeting called to order, '1.00 P.m... June 23 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (June 9 and 16). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4.. ".00 p.m. -/MYposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Galbraith Construction Ltd. land on east side of Gault Road. (b) - Petition from residents of area, objecting to Baid proposed re-zoning. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Chisholm Adjustment Ltd. 186 ~elaide Street. (Juw'il Holdings). _ Letter from Planning Advisory Cornmi. ttee re said proposed re-zoning. _ Letter of objection from North 1!.C1d \iomen t s Christian Tempe~ance Union to said proposoo re~~()n1ng. _ Drief 1'rom tlandlords of area of 186 J~ela1de Street, objecting to said proposed re-zoning. _ Mr. Jamgs1~an.~t,~q~~tr to show cause why the building located at 1.31 Ludlow Street~JSliifit"'~Onn~5t, ~ should not be reMoved or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. _ Mrs. Hyrtle H. Mitton and Central &. Nova Scotia. Trust Co. to appear to show cause why the building at 130 \laterloo Street should not be rerooved or destroyed -as a dangerous or dilapidated building. CITY MANAGER 8. Payment of invoices for equipment rental (Chitticks; Hatfield). 9. Payment of invoice 1.'or crushing gravel (Dexter). 10. Payment ot invoice for asphalt (Stephen). U. 1974.' annual report - Recreation and Parks Department. 12. May report - street Division, r/orks Dept. l3.'Paymt'mt of invoices for equipment rental (Hatfield; Chitt1cks). 14. Progress paJ'lnent re project undertaken un:ier Dept. Regional hconomic Expansion programme. 15. Re Conciliation Board re IDcal18, C.U.P.E. 15A .Re Bpnciliation Board re IDeal 61, C. U~;f' .~.~, L. 16.' Payment of invoice for equiJD6nt rental (Chitt1cks). ~6A.Payment of invoices for equipment rental (Chitticks). ---: , COMMITTEES 17. Land Oommittee re sale of land on Yairv1lle Boulevard. to Ready Rentals Ltd. li..,..Land CoIlll1ittee re sale of Lots 6 am 7, Greendale Sub-cl.ivision, to Irving Oil Ltd.' 19. Lard Committee 1'8 sale ot +and oft Pidgeon Terrace to N.B. Housing Corporation. 20. Land Committee re sale of land off r'airville Boulevard and Thro\l&1wcw to Streb ~, Little Holdings Ltd. 21. Land Committee re purchase of land, Dufferin Ave., -from Armstrong & Bruce. 22. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to sub-d.ivision plan of Hillsic1e Sub-division, Phase 4, Blair Construction Ltd. 23. Flanning Advisory CoIllI'littee re application from East Coast Enterprises Ltd. for rEi-zoning of land at corner of Dru~r Cove Rd. ani Old Hothesay Rd. 24. Historic Sites llnd Lvents Conm1ttee 1"8 progress re developnent of Municipal Geological Huseum at King Square, Sai. nt John West. 28. GENERAL Re strike by employees of Canada Wire and Cable Co. (Councillor Green). Letter from Village of HaJ'l1pton re meeting to discuss request to Provincial Govt. for improving of Mackay Highway to four-lane status. Canadian Telecomr~un1cations Union , Atlantic Region, re effect on Saint John citi~~nB by proposed new service hours by Canadian Pacific-Canadian National Telecommmications telegraph office in Saint John. Application from Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Roberts for a change in the develoJXll8nt plan under which their property on Saint Anne St., Saint John East, was l'e-zoned.. . Application from HI's. Mildred E. Green, per Miss Joanna J. Ringrose, Barr~6ter, for re-zoning of 975 Manawap,onish Rd., Saint JorID West. 25. 26. 27. ';$.