1975-06-09_Agenda -~-.,.t A '"'0 END A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 6th June# 1975. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. June 9 - prayer. 2. Cpntirmation ot minutes (Hay 26). 3. Mayor's remarks. CITY HANAGl1t 4. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion 'pt'O~amme. 5. P~'Llent ot invoice for asphalt. 6. ~yment of invoice for equiJXl1ent rental. 7. Re sub-clivision agreement ~iithA,lPha\ Investruents Ltd. re Millidgeville Estates Phase II. 8. Re 8ub-divis1on agreement with Highwood. Company re Higl1wooci developnent, \:oodhaven Drive. 9. Water &. Sewerage Division report - April. 10. Financial Statements - April. 11. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept. Regional Econom.c Expansion progranme. 12. Progress pa~1ment re projt ct contraOt included in the Capital Budget. 13. Re Acting Commissioner, Comr.n.mity Planning and Developnent. 14. Re Preliminary Capital Progamme 1975. 15. Revisions for incorporation in the draft new Traffic By-Law before third readingC1t8lll 19). 16. Re bequest of wildlife santuary by the late A. Carle Smith. (see item 40). 17. Re a8ph~lt quality control inspection services. 18. Re Stimulation Grants. lSA.Re Conciliation Board re Local Union 486, C.U.P.E. COMMON CLmK 19. Third reading of new Traffic By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given May 26, 1975)(8ee item 15). 20.. Third ,reading of proposed Zoning By-Luw amendment to re-zone for Millidgeville Estates Ltd. lam on northerly side of University Ave. (1st & 2nd readings given Hay 26, 1975). 21. Proposed amendment of Schedule 5-A of Municipal Develo{Et:I1t' Plan by a series of minor adjustments. (laid on table May 26, 1975). , 22. Proposed re-zoning to "e" Conservation Zone of Saint's Rest marsh area, and proposed amending of Zoning By-La~1 to establish a "C" Conservation Zone (laid on taQle Ha.y 2h). (a) Letter froLl Hr. John P. Palmer, Q.C. solicitor for Heirs of hiward Carvell re sale of land to City 1"8 proposed re-zoning to Conservation Zone. '(b) , Letters from following named, in support of proposed Conservation Zone for Saint's Hest Harsh area:- Hiss Willa MacCoubrey ot St. JmclreWBj Hiss Nettie Hoore of Frederic'ton; Saint John Naturalists Clubj New Brunswick Federation pf Naturalists; 11a.jor Samuel Holland. Branch, United Empire Loyalists Assoc. of Canada. 23. Re Irving Oil Ltd. License and Easement for oil pipeline - letter, from Gilhert, (HcClo~.) . crn SOLICITOR Gillis & Jones. <i~~5l"A. 23A.Re Irving Oil Ltd. License and F..as6ment for oil pipeline (see itelJlS234Ji1C1 25). 24. Proposed B.I!lendment to Common Council Salaries By-Law. COMI1ITTEES. BOl..lillS. COMMISSIONS 25. Land. CoI!lLli.ttee re Irving Oil Ltd. request for easement for oil pipeline (see items 23 & 23A) 26. Land COLlI.1i.ttee re purchase of easement fran Elizabeth Jane Small and Joyce E. Little, FWles Drive. 27. Land Comnuttee re sale of land on Molson Ave. to Leigh Webster, free of restriction re l)-foot sewer right-of-way. 28. Land Committee re sale of lam in former Andaves Sub-division to H.B.Housing Corporation. 29. Land Conunittee re purchase of lot from Mrs. Hoss Porter (re Lowell St. arena sewerage line). 30. Land Coznr;u.ttee re purchase of vaCa.nt lan:! from Silver Falla United Church. 31. Land Committee re sale of land, eastern side of Lnncaster 5t., to Br~e S. Latham; re closure of this land (Which is a portion of Sutton St.). 32. Land Commi. t tee re sale of freehold. of Lot 5, RodneJr St., S8i nt John West, to Hr. L.B. Prime. 33. Land CQIlr.'littee re sale of freehold. of 3t30 Union St. (Lot 6) to Donald A. and Constance O. Hurphy. 34. l.:aster Plumbers' Examining Board re issuance of Master Plunbers' Licenses to l1r. Lloyd Campbell, and llr. Ja.ck Fillmore. 35. Saint John Housing Comrussion re an ex officio member o~ the Land Comr,dttee to represent the said Comnussion. 36. i:lJ.anning Jldvisor:,' Col'.:ll'.1ittee re construction of senior citizensh housing units by N .B. Housing Corporation at corner of Bleury St. and. Sam Cove Rd. 37. Planning AdvisolJ' Comrxittee re acceptance of payn~nts of money in lieu of land for public purposes by: (1) Charles R. rlelsonj (2) Louis Holman; (3) Vincent Dempsey. 38. Planning hciv1sory COLllll.ttee re Council's assent to Millidgeville Estates Sub-division _ Phase 2, sub-division plan. 39. Planning Advisory Comnittee re zoning status of land on City Line, opposite Rodney and \tlinslow Sts. (recently proposed for re-zoning for 11r. viCll.ter Kean's proposed project). 40. Planning Advisory Committee re bequest of late A. Carle Smith of wildlife sanctuaIjr (see item 16). URBAN RENE)/AL 41. Payment of appraisal fees'Shawinigan b1gineering Maritimes Ltd.). 42. PllV'ment of accounts from Bregman & Hamann re Market Sqyare civic arxl. commercial centre. 43. Payment or legal fees (Palmer, O'Connell, Leger, Turnbull &Turnbull). 44. Payment of appraisal and negotU\tion fees (Appraisals (Fundy) Ltd.). 45. Payment of professional services fees (Mr. \1. J. Spencer). Gli1~HAL 46. Letter re mobile asphalt plant (Councillor Cave). 47. Petition requesting a playground for the children or Latimer Lake - also, a baseball diamond. .A>- . - 2 - 48~ Board of School Trustees, District 20, re agreement re outdoor recrt1ational facilities tor joint use by school students and for non-school use under Recr~ation Dept. direction. 49. Spruce Lake ~lomen's Institute re~uesting construction of a City-owned. sw1nm1ng pool in a central location. 50. Hr. Donald V. ArthUl"lJ of 598 Harding St., ~)aint John ~le6t, suggesting: HardinG St.-be made a dead end street - or, heavy transport trucks, etc. be prohibited from using this street - or, reduce the speed limit. - 51. 11r. George H. Kimball of 145 Deacon st., Saint John East, re need for curbing and a sidewalk on this stret1t. ~l 5a. S. A.. Conrad of 460 Champlain St., Saint John West, re dogs rUlming at large. 53. Mr. David S. Campbell of 142 Montreal Ave., Saint John West, re restoration of curb and grass plot in front of 142 Mont1real Ave. 54. R. H. Griffin .. 274 Duke St., re damage to properties by throwing of stones and rocks by children obtained from City-o,med lot of land at 264 Duke St.; re damage caused by rt1llloval ot part of sidewalk retaining wall. 5S. Application for rtf-zoning from A. cj Fairweather & Sons Ltd. 56. ,Application for re-zoning fran Clearview Mebile Hemes Ltd. 57 . Fundy Ca~levision Ltd. re televising of Cormnon Council sessions. sa. Lancaster Kiwanis Club Steel Band CoIllD1i ttee seeking Council's support in the BaR1' 8 bid to be selected as a performing arts organiy.ation to represent Province of N.B. in the cultural programme to be held in conjunction 1dth Olympics Canada at Montreal in 1976. 59. Notification of hearing ot application for a Club license by Saint John Press, Radio & TV Club Inc. for premises at Hilyard Place, Main St. ~'_,:,"","lJ"'"",r-''''''''''''''' .~C~__..'..... ."- '. -",. ,..,,,,- _,,. -_.. "r'l:l"'~--"-"-'____'-<-'-"-""-.T'''' -'.