1975-04-21_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUIiCIL - as atll8&h April s 1915. 1. Meeting called to orders 4.00 p.m.. A~ril 21 - prqer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (April 7 I. 14 . 3. ~or's remarks. CI'l'Y MABAGER 4. Report re tenders for towing service. 5. P~nt of invoice for asphalt (Stephen Construction Co., Ltd.) 6. Progres. p~nt. re pr03ects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 7. Report re tenders for demolition of property, 257 Charlotte Street. 8. Monthly' report - Teohnical &. Inspection Services. 9. PlQ'1I18nt of invoice for equipment rental (Chitticks (1962) Ltd.) 10. pqment of invoice for equipment rental (Imperial Industries Lim1ted) 11. Re Shamrock Park Lighting - repairs. 1.2. Re implementa'tion of user fees for recreational faciliti8.. 13. He Field Office) South Ends for Neighbourhood Improvement Program and Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program. COMMON CLERK 14. Re proposed City 10tte17 (l&1d on table April 14) CITY SOLICITOR 1;. Re tee. of members of Arbitration Board (re Probationary Constables dismissal). 16.- Proposed amendment to Subdivision By-Law. URBAN RENEWAL 17. pqment of oompensation re acquisition of propertie., Chesley St. ~ from General Bakeries. mW'YRHWIRlT~&W!~f_~oo~M'7~""~m ~R~RRBR"WI'UB2t BOARDS. COMMISSIONS. COMMITTEm Recreation & Parks Advisory Board re arena rentaJ.s. Market Committee re removal of signs eastern exit of 'City Market. Planning Advisory Committee re Highmeadow Park development, Phase II. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee submitting proposed projects 'for inclusion in 1975 Capital Budget. Fort,La.'rour Devlr6opmentAuthority re vacancy on Authority through death of M:r. . D. Gordon Willet. I J. lit. 20. 21. 22. 23. GENERAL . 24. Re 1975 Capital Budget; straightening and widening of Hqes Avenue(Counci11or MacGowan) 25. Application from. Mr. T1mot~ Is&&c for re-zoning of property, Manawagonish Road. 26. Application from Mr. R. E. Jowett for re-zoning of land, Lakewood Heights. 27. Application from J. D. Irving Limited for re-zonihg of property, Balmoral Crescent. 28. Application from J. D. Irving Limited for re-zoning of propertys Greenock Drive. 29. Application from. J .D1). Irving Limited for re-zoning of property, Russell Hill Road. 30. Letter from. Saint John Defenee Lawyera Association re lockup, Police Department. 3l.. Letters of ob3ection to increased parking rate by Parking Commission from the following peraons:- Mrs. C. J. Grant; Joyce Thibault; and Messrs. Albert Mitton; Arthur J. Frauley; Vinton F. Bishop; Earl 'B. Campbell; Ross E. Little; Robert M. Sweet and R. G. Myra. 32. Letter from Mr. Gordon Henderson and statf of Deans Stall, City Market, re removal of canopy in the City Market. 33. Letter from Mr. David S. Badger re placement of trailers, Ocean Westwq. " -------_.....:. ----~~-~-. .~"........ ~'- ;. '.' -.;:.;... ,-....; "- -.--.