1975-04-07_Agenda COMMON COUNCIL - as at 4th April, 1975. ", -AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. Ai)il 7 - prayer. 2. Confirmation ot minutes (March 24 &. 31 . :3 . Mayor's remarks. \ ! ~ 4 I. ~ l ~. CXl'Y MANAGLR 4. Payment of invoice tor asphalt (Stephen Construction Co.,Ltd.). t 5. Approval required or AmendJnent Number 26 to Province-City agreement of August 30, 1971. ~ 6. Re award of tender re Champlain & Lakewoed Heights Collector Sewer Contract unit. ; 7. He purchase ot cardiac equijDent. t 8. Ue resignation ot Mr. David A. Carter, Economc Co-Ordinator. 1 9. Payment ot invoices for equiJDent rental (D. Hatfield Ltd.). t 10. PrOE"~sS payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion progr8llJDlB. i li. Re relocation ot Hazen Creek Sewerage Treatment Lagoon. t 12. Monthly report ot Water am Sewerage Dept. 1 12A.Re time spent on negotiations. :l.2B. Proposal. tor extension of Hawthorne Ave. '.J 12C.Progress report,Da;yside Drive. COMMON CLlmK 121>. Re K.M.B. Outing Asseciation. 13. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment re proposed re-zoning of land on northerly side ! of Ashburn !toad for A. C. Fairweather & Sons Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given Mar. 31). 14. Third. reading of Zoning By-Law amendment reo proposed. re-zoning of land east of 140 University Ave., fronting 300 feet on said Avenue" for Alpha Investments & Agencies Ltd, (1st &. 2nd readings given Mur. 31).. 1 I . . COM}U:TT~ 15. Civic ILlprov8mmt and Beautification Committee re parallel parking on both sides of King St. 16. Market Conmittee re: (a) transfer ot. Citr Market lease on stalls am counters of Itobert ,Wall to Mary4rn Fox and James Clark; '(b) declaring the City Mark6t a National Historic Site. ' , 17. Planning Adviaory Committee re re-zQning application made by Mr. Robert Bustin for Jorover Holdings Ltd. . 18. Planning Advisory Committee re re-zoning applicntion ot Shamrock Roall1 Ltd. 19. Planning Ad.viaery~~ttee re apPlication. of Mrs. IVrtle H. Mitton tor repairs to building at 128 (J.j2) Waterloo St. ani upgrading sanita17 facilities. j 20. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Tri-Town Uea1ty Ltd. tor alterations El'ld repairs to building at 105 Union St. . 21. Planning Advisory Co1lll11ttee re acceptance of money in lieu ot public purposes landfrom:- (a) J. Alyre Richard; (b) Alva Beam. to Light Industrial zone 2lB.Planning Advisory COIlWd.ttee re policy re re-soning or Drury Cove Road area/on incremental basie of !inn proposals; re policy re re-zoning of Drury Cove Road. frontage to Light Industrial zone am re access road to' rear portion of the A. C. }<'airweather & Sons Ltd.. property on Ashburn Road. . 2lC.I'lannlng Advisory Cornraittee 1'8 assent to Mrs. Annie Bagnell Sub-division plan; re extension of Morrison Road; 1"8 acce~nce of land for public purposes for said road extellS ion. Gl~L 22. Letter from Councillor Pye re morator1.um on futrther construction in Glen Falls and surrounding areas services by the Glen Falls sewage system until present fiood.1ng . problem in Glen Falls is satisfactorily corrected. 23. Report from Councillor Gould on atteniance at Calgary to study Calgary's paramedic and ambulance service re Fire Department. 24. ~tter from Councillor A. Vincent re-"proposed telephone rate increases. 25. Fort LaTour Developnent Authority letter re 'plans and progress re developnent of Fort LaTour site. 1 ' 26. ~tter from Saint John Defence ~+ers Conference asking that. the City adopt the principle or concept of employing law students for summer ElJllployment with t.he Police Dt.~t. 27. Letter from ~nt Jolm Policemen's Prot.ective ASflOC. re S\UliOOr flInployment of7s~udents and of other students by City for Pol1ce-l>ept.. 28. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard re mobile home location. 29. Letter from 0a.int John Theatre COlllpanY re proposed rental of old Searaan's f1ission building, Prince \lilliam Street and establial1ment of a theatre in same. . 30. Application 1'1'001 Jlew Brunswick Teachers Association 1>1"1 vel' l.ducation Councillor a grant . towards cost of driver educat~on workshop. .. ~,~ 31. Letter from Clark, Dr'Ullllllie & Company re beq~ft:.oi' late A. Carle Smith to City o,f ,. Wild Lite Sanctuary property, in truat, Anierson lIeights. 32. Application from Hr. Gerry A. LeBlanc tor approval tor three Irving Oil Refinery employees to place their travel trailers on his land oft Loch Lanond Road. 32A.il.pplication tram Galbraith Construction Ltd.' for ro-zoning of land". Gaul~ Road._ _ _____ _. ...... "- ---.-.---................... --- -~---------------.