1975-03-10_Agenda AGENDA COMH01~ COUNCIL as at 7th March, 1975 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. l-1a.rch 10 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of winutes (Feb. 24 &. Har. J). :3 . Ma~'or 's remarks. CITY hAWiGLl. 4. Pa.~'t1ent of invoice for equi.!xuent rental (Ii. Hatfield Ltd.). 5. Progress T)il~'IIlent re Capital Budi;et project. 6. Report re tenders 1'01' uniform clothing. 8. He purcha se of hir)lWay salt. 9. He sub-division of l~m(l fill" !J.B. ':'elepitone Cornpal1Jr, Lir.uted and hSuociate.lInvt,stors of Canada, Ltd. ffJ1. He letter fror,l Hr. il. D. l.ase re probler.,s of building a houe. 9B.neport re tenders for fire hose. COHNOl~ CLI1~K 10. '.:.'hird reading of Zoning Dy-1a\1 amendment (1..xcavation of l..cmcl) - 1st c, 2nd readings given Feb. 2h, 1975; by-law read in its entirety in Coz:u:liLtee of "\hole on IlRr. 3, 1975. CI':'Y ,juLICI'l'OL 11. Letter rc grants. (r.ote: Heport of Budget Comr.:ri.ttee re t~rants for 1975 lias lc:.5.d on table l:iar. 3). 12. .)ropot;ed fiLlendment to ~)ubdivision Il~r-La.w re cable television lines. COHHI'l'TLhS 13. Loninat.ing CoruJittee re port. 1J.~. land. CO[JI,ri.t tee r€ l:JC.;yment of cost of appraisal report b;y Appraisals (I"und;y) Ltd. 15. Planning AdvitlOl,:r Gor:.u.1ittee re Saint '5 Rest l;arsh. ..,., ----. GI.JJllU,L He non-consideration by Cities of New I3ruml\fick Associ.c..tion of proposed uotion re recull iJrocedw'€. (Councillor Kipping) He l'ire ~tHtioIl, King Street Last; re clean-up of Hain St.-Bridge Street waterfront area. (Councillor vould) . ktter from 3aint John Chapter,Civll Liberties il.stloc. re Hulos and Hegulations of 0aint. ,:o:;L~,)L.c. Ikpt. Let tel" iron Il.ockvlOOu. Park Area ?l'eservCl. tion 1.5 <;oc. re a L10del of Hu~rmt1rl~et B:r-!:l<.css; re clarification of effect said bJT_paSS will lL<.-'-€ on thL: Public Gm'llens carner ~!nd the end of :.Jed.;r 0t. Brief frou Chan Food ;?roclucts 1ii,dted on behalf of the business fin.is loccl ted in l,ra.ndvicw Industrial ?-drk, outlining iJroblens whicl1 affect tlwse businesses. l.orthtrn l.lcctric Conparw Lin1ted re need for a purking lot for conpcmrts eL!Jlo:Tt'es, .:it City ..O'LQ plant. : 1.1'. uonalJ. L. GullinnIi) l..;"rrist(;r, on belwlf of !ll'. l~rla.ld Hal'grovt.. and Er. i:itchell I.J. Carr, requestinf~ t;;:tension 1'e 1-11'. Hargrove's mobile horae. J"j)illicCluon from l,.r's. Lls<l Johnston for extensi.on re nobile home. Letter frOlll l.ll's. Alice Dlair, 24 1.1cLaili;hlin Crescent, re probler.l of dogs running ut large. Let,ter l'rolil :.Jhcm,rock lLealt;y :"tcl. }"'t:questing an uoendr.lent to Hi,i!lLlcadO\nl ?i:lrk, ?ll<:se II, ; 'lanned ut;velo}yuent. I.otific<.ition fraIl L.B.Liquor Control Cot\f.lission re E~d1ibition j\ssoc. applicc:,tion for a special i)l'enUSes licemle. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2U. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26.