1975-02-10_Agenda COHKON COUnCIL - as at 7th February, 1975. ..., '. '.. AGENDA 1. 2. 3. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m. I }<'ebruary 10 - prayer. Gonfi~ tion of minutes (January 27 & February 3, 1975). ~~yor's remarks. , CITY MANAGUL 4. Re revision of the Lunicipal Assistance j.ct, and the Provincial Unconditional Grants 3ystem. Payment 01' invoices for flquiIll1ent rental (Chitticks; Hatfield). Re llaymarket By-Pass. Re tenders re painting City NlLrket. Re acquisition of leasehold interest of 25-31 Dock 3t. from John Bea1. He acquisition of freehold interests of Acadia Jt. properties of Lstate of Irene Baud Jimonds and of Estate of LcJtla. Jane J!"'lcDonald. 10. Two resolutions re Tax Rate, 1975. lOA.He changing name "Cedar Street" in v.'oods Hill Sub-ciivision to "Hemlock Street". COl-ll.iON CJ.J:JLK li. Third. reading of proposed amendment to ~oning ~r-LC\w \,entworth Jt. butween Broadview Ave. and the real' of (lut tc 2nd readings given F~b. 3, 1975). 12. Third rt~ading of proposal! amcnUnent to by-law to clo;.;e two portions of Sandy Pt. T?d. (1st <.:c 2nd readings given Feb. 3, 1975). 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 :,1 "~I I to re-zone area lying east of i lots on northerl:r side of Britain St. : , . i CITY SOLICITOn 13. He notices received by City fran New Brunswick Liquor Control Conunission of hearings on applications tor liquor licenses. i} "1 i , J I 1 'j 'J COHHITTILS & COHMI0SIONS 14. Coumlittee of vlhole report (Feb. 3). 15. Civic IuproverJ.ent and Beautification Con:,nittee re underground wiring programme and priorities re same over a 2o-year period. 16. Civic Inprovement and Beautification Comnittee re deve10f.lllent of Hoss l1emorlal Park for park purposes. 17. Jaint John Housi.ng COt1lTJ.ssion re development of mobile home parks. IE. Transportation Committee re mecessity to have major bUB s.tops cleared of snow immediately after each sno\lfall. ,; I .' GENERAL 19. Ee status of Saint John Parking Commission (Councillor Kippin6). 20. Petition from residents of Barbara Crescent and Carl Court :re need to prohibit overnight parking on both sides of Barbara Crescent; re enforcement of Zoning By~Law regulation re existing zoning (single and two-family residentia],. housing zone). , 21. lire John G. Rile~r, Barrister, on behalf of Soucy Investments Ltd., requ(lsting tre t Citi delay de,1olition of 210 Canterb~T and 17 Britain Sts. . 22. ia'. ~tevcn Sellors, 20 Holida~ Drive, re rates charged for cars impounded after being , towed a~Jay for illegal parking. ; 23. Letter from Hinister of Hunicipal ltffairs re flooding in Glen Falls area in Decanber,19'.'. , ~k,~_