1975-02-03_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as a.t 31st Januar,y, 1975. 1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. February 3 - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. 7.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to 7.oning By-Law to re-zone(for Hr. John O. Secord his property at lhl-143 Broadview Avenue) the existing housing areas lying east of \lentworth St. betvltlen Broadview Ave. and the rear of the lots on the northerl~r side of Britain St. am including the several vacant lots therein. 4. - Letter froI1 PlanninG JidviSOIjr Cor:JI;d. ttee re said pro posed re-zoning. 5. 7.00 p.Ll. - Proposed closure of a portion of &tndy Point Hoad. , CITY llAl~AGffi 6. He Saint John Urban !.rea Central Design. 7. he sub-division agreeoent with 110mB. Construction re Silver Falls Park Su~division, Phase VI. 8. Payment of invoices for equipment rental (Chitticks; Hatfield). 9. Progrcss payments re proj~cts undertaken under Dept.P.egional }:conomic IJcpansion programme. 10. Street Dept. report - December. li. Heport re tenders to demolish 16-22 North Harket Hlarf properties. 12. Ee dump site - Village of Grand Bay. 13. TIe Harsh Creek - Glen Falls flooding. 13A.Police Dept. Comparative Heport - July to December 1973 and 1974. C0l1HI'l"l'J.1""s &. COMMISSIONS 11.. COL'll':uttee of \<!holH report (January 27, 1975). 15. ~int John Parking Commission re escarpnent ~rking. 16. Saint John Traffic and Safety Cormdttee re: (1) left-hand turns during rotary traffic on Rothesay Ave.; (2) traffic island on Prince St. and Lancaster Ave.p (3) prohibition of piirking on north side of City Il.d. dW'ing certain hours; (4) proposed t.ruck route from viaduct via Dock St., etc.; (5) closure of Bank of Montreal parking lot exit at Haymarket ;jq.; (6) prohibition of left turn iron King St. onto Cant~rbury St.; (7) permitting of left hcmd turns from Germain St. heading north on to King St. 17. Planning Advisolj" ColDr.1ittee re re-zoning application of R {t M Investments re 41 Adela.ide St. for a proposed beverage room. 18. Planning Advisory Comnittee re proposed re-zoning if lani lying between City Line and Lencast~r St., opposite Rodnc~r and Winslow Sts., for Mr. vialter Kean. 19. PJ..arming Advisory Comr.:d.ttee re proposed Sub-dlviaion B~r-Law amenduents. 20. Planning ILdvisory Committee re proposed cu:aendments to 7..oning By-Law (excavation of la' ..,' J. re qu(;stion of operative and abandoned pits und~r gravel pits legislation in hunicipaf.?.t Act.