1975-01-27_Agenda ---- AGENDA COMK)N ill UNCIL - as at 24th January" 1975. 1. Keeting called. to order January 27 ~ 4.00 p.m. - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (January 13 & 20, 1975). :3. Mayor t s remarks. JA. Presentation ot }'farket Square Civic and Commeroial Complex. 4.00 P.o. CITY HANAGU~ 4. Progress payment re project undertaken under Dept.ILegional hconomic hxpansion programme. 5. Report from Recreation and Parks Dept. - Oct, to Dec., 1974. 6. Report for Dec. - Technical & Inspection ~el'vices, including Plwnbing Division. 7. Re proposed l'l'aergency Measures Organization Comr,d. ttee. B. Payment of invoice from Scott Bros. LW. (laid on table Jan. 20, 1975). COHl10N CIJ1LK 10. Third r~ading of l3ic~rc1e By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 20, 1975). 11. Third reading of Building BJr-Law amendments (1st ec 2nd readin~~f> dven Jan. 20" 1975). 12. Third r~ading of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land off Ocean ~/estway and to west of ~pruce Lake ~chool for ~)tarlight Construction Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given Jan. 20.1975). 13. r;:'hird reading 01' Zoning Itr-Law aLlendment to re-zone land on south. side of St. James St. for H. h. Hopper Co. Ltd. (1st &. 2nd readings given Jan. 20, 1975). 'cst 14. Third reading of Zoning B~r-Law amcndment to re-zone land off Duke .streetJtor Carleton-Kirk Unit~d Church (1st &. 2nd readings giv~n Jan. 20, 1975). COHMIT'l'l':r::s & COHMISSIONS 15. Hesignations of members of Saint John Port arrl Industrial, DevcloJXIlent Conunission. 16. Terms 01' Reference of Saint John Port Develo}Ecnt Commission. 17. Terr.lS of Heference of Saint John Cotunerce ani Industry Canr.rl.ssion. lB. Committee of 1;1'hole report (Jamaary :20" 1975). 19. Land Cormttee re sale of freehold to Estate of Helen H. Pitt of ill Orange St. 20. Land Colll!:littee re rescinding 01. purchase resolution re casement from Gordon Carvell. 21. Lc1.nd Connittee re deed 01' rectification to convey 393 Lancaster Street to Douglas Martin. 22. Civic Improvecent arid Beautification Comr.rdttee re desirabi,).ity of retaining a portion of P8.r' "A" of Horth 1m Urban HeJlCwal sites for park purposes, on south side of Chesley DrivI.. 23. Civic u~provement and Beautification Committee re progreos report from Fort LaTour Develorxnent Aut.hority, re develor:ment of Fort LaTour site. 24. Trarlsportation GOIncdottee re anele parking by SlIT Lastern Ltd. buses on King ~)t. 25. Pl~nning Advisor~r Conud ttee re Isabel Gibson applicationre rllobile home. Q6. iM.Bnning Adviso~r Comrli ttee re Brian Hayvmrd application re nobile hoce~ 27. Planning Advino~r Gomrrl.ttee re Northf'rn Construction qompany application l'e two mobile homes. 2C. Planning AdviSOI1r Comnittee re acceptance of money in lieu of land for puhlic purposes, from D. "If. Land Subdivision. GJ:J-JrRAL 29. Ee notices of hearings of applications for licenses for ~_Iliee rooms, et cetera'Coun- cillor l1acGowan). 3U. Heqm:st from Boy Scouts of Canada and G1~de8 of Canada for permission to fly Scout, Cub, Venturer, Hover and possibly Guide Flags during Boy Scout-Clirl Uuide 1, eek. 31. District \,oaterfront Council, I.L.A. requesting a second Rescue Squad truck, for use in .-!estern sector of dty and to Gervice the port of Saint John area. 32. United Lmpire Lo:raliflts' Jissociation of Canada, Hew Bruns'/ick Branch, re planning for observance of three approaching hi-centennials (1983, 1984 and 1985). ~