1974-12-30_Agenda AGE. N n~ A CO.l'lHUN COUNCIL - as at 27th December, 1971~. 1. JJ1~eting ca.lled to order, L~.OO p.m.. December 30 - prayer. a. Confirmation of minutes (December 16). J. Mayor ,~ rCIM.rks. r-n'y HANJ\.G1Jt i 6. ." H~Dort re tenders on supply or water and sewerage materials. Re' Neighbourhood Iraprovement Programr..e - H.esidential Iiehabilit.ation J\8sistance Programme Loans (see item 11). Resolution required re Au€ndment Number 25 to i,ugUst29, 1971 Province-City <.l.greement. Proposed changes in Garbage By-Law fees. Ite: ~tiJnulation Grant. 4. 5. "fI.., COH110U CLERK 9. 1'hird reading of by-lbw amendment re proposed closing of portions of Ha.in Street and Crown Street (Off ~~in Street) - let <Lnd 2nd readings given Dec. 23, 1974. 10.~ Payment of Cit~r' s share of cost of Provincial-Nunicipal Council. COMMITTEES II .:;or:u.aittee or hh01e report (see item 5). GUJF..R.AL 12. Letter from Teed. & Teed 1'8 desire of Fra~ J. Comeau am Nancy L. Comt:au to purch~se freehold of 73 St. James Street, Saint John ~JcBt, or that City acquire the building on this property. ~ ; ,