1974-12-16_Agenda AGENDA COMMQ!LQ.Q..lll~C IL as at l3th Dtlcember, 1971~. 1. Meetillt; cali-::d to ol'Jt;r" 4.00 p.;.... December 16 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (Decelllber 2 & 9, 1974). 3. lv'.a.a:ror's ri;Ll.O.rks. 4. _ Prt.~st:ntution bJ" representatives of Gcnt.Jl'al Urban Systems Gorpor~ltion re ~)aint John Central Arcu Urbcln .Jesigl. 5. 7.00 p.m. _ Presentation of Certificates of Merit 1'1'00 Civic Iruprovement and Beautification Committee to: Charles Hunro and Herbert Beech, 5r.; Mrs. I~und R. N,:llenger; Kent A. Jones. 5.00 P.il.. 6. 7.00 P.W. - f.e propos\...>d cuuendllent to Zoning D?-Lt'.w to re-zone property on Dufferin Row (Lot 387U35) for Carr Con~truction LWo proposed housing project:- _ Presentation of petition frora Citizens Coml"iittee, per Mr. C. J. vJilcox" Committee Chairman, in oppo~ition to 1:icdd proposed re-zoninf~. ~,. .......~~J.I ~) " -" "llhJ.[~l ~Pl'i'~iBfiltl_".lf'Jfl1xrqtiifmUJlIi'''ilibi!_.1W -~ . _ Letter froLl Planning l,c..visor:r Cour:d.ttee recoliuendin; the propost.;d re-zoning" subject to six C) nditions set forth in said letter. 12. 13. CITY MANAGER Report. re tenders for sand" g ravel, loam and sod. Report re tenderr. for equipment rental. He Councillor A. Vlneent'ti proposed for increase in sum reC)uired in lieu of provision of on-site parking (laid on table Dec. 2, 1974). Payment of invoices for equip~nL rt;ntal (Chi t,ticks; Hatfield). Report re tenders for construction of 14ilford-Randolph-Greendale collector sewer system pump 51,c...tions and pipe \;,or:;.. He mininulL1 height for Saint John rulic~ Depc;.rtment personnel. Pa:nnent or deposit to DurroLlc~hii EJ.siness Machin{;s Ltd. re nevi prOr;r<lll1Ll8S for Finance Dept.. up6r~ded data processing eCluipment. Payment of invoices: v.1litehhll Lunch ClUb, Ne~i York, anLi En..i~ineer5 Club,Montreal - re Sain t John Port da~rs. Re unconditional brant application. 7. 8. 9. to. 11. 14. 15. " .J.. " COMMon CillLK Third reading of amendnent to Public Motor Bus Licensbs Itr-Law (1st. & ;>..nd readings i;iven De c. 9, 1974. ) . Resolution required to 6i:ecute lea~e J.c:;reemE-nt vdth C.P.Rail re undert~round sewer construction on Western Area Collector Sewt;r. 18. 19. Collection to resolution re Handicapped Inc. 19A.Planning A.dvisory Committee CITY SOLICrrOR conveyance of land to Saint John Centre for 3ervice to COM!UTTliliS re lr~U~l. Ltd..proposed service station" Chesley Drive. GENERAL 20. Re flooding of Glen r'alls area (Councillor M. Vincent). 21. Re authority of Planning Advisory COL1utttee (Councillor Pye). 2lA.Application from Holtzmans Limited to renovate prez:dses at 60 Haterloo St. 22. Povier COrm:U.ssion re disposition of 39 Canterbury St. and of sale price therefrom. 23. New Brunswick Telephone Company, Limited re requirement for payment of money in lieu of vesting lands in City (re sub-division of 2 acres, \loodward Ave. & Boar's Head Hd.). 24. Application of J,. J. CaLlo.ghan &. l\.ssocio;.tes L:i.oited on beh~u...f of 3t."rlight Con:;;truction Ltd., for- re-zoning to permit mixed housing developlOOnt on area north nwe of old St. ~te1Xlen Highway at l..ornt:ville Rd. intersection.