1974-11-25_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 22nd November, 19"1~. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.n.. November 25 - prayer. 2. Mayor's remarks. 3. 4.0(} p.m. _ Proposed Zoning B~r-Law lUllendment to re-zone for Mr. l:alter A. Beckett approximately 400 acres of lam on both sides of Martlnon B,y-pass at Acamae Backland Rd. - la:lrl on table Nov. 12, 1974 (Mr. Grorge F. O.Connell, Q. C. wishes to complete his presentation of behalf of Mr. Beckett re this matter). _ Letter from City 11ana ger. 4. 4.30 p.m. _ Representative of Trizec Corporation Ltd. re parking facilities for Brunswick Sql&8re . 5. Letter from City Manager re Councillor A. Vincent's IJrOposal that the sum per lot re paYQents in lieu of provision of qn-ni te parkini be increased. 6. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed amendments to Zoning By-Law text ere an office for one doctor or dentist, etc. fltC.) _ Letter from Mr. David G. Burry, Bnrrieter, submitting objection of The Ca.nadian Association for the Mentally Retarded, Saint John Brunch, to the proposed new definition to "family" in Section 2 (v) of said proposed amendments. 70 Payment of invoice for asphaltio mixe5 (:3tephen C~>nstruction Co.Ltd.). 8. Payment of invoices for equipment rt:ntal (:F.a.rthco; Chittlcks). 9. Letter from City Manager re application for assistanc6 for vi~it of ScottiSh curlers. 10. Payuent of invoices for equipment rental (D. Hatfield). 11. Fire Dept. report - Octoher. llA.Letter from City l~lnager re Tri-1evel Committee. lIB.Progress payment re contract inoluded in Capital Budget. llC.Letter from City Hanager re new Provincial plumbing regulations. 12. Letter from City Solicitclr r~ proposed Traffio By-Law amenament. 13. Letter from Common Clt;rk 1'6 Leesha H. Zed property, 252 Princess ~)t. - laid on table Nov. 18, 1974. 1l~. Letter from Transportation COM'litteo re Vlillimn O. McGrath request to increase Loch Lemond Bus l.1.n~ fcl.l'es. 15. Letter fro~ Messrs. Teed a Teed, Barristers, re 1oRsehold pror~lrty of frank J. Comea. and Nancy L. Comeau, l.ot 1076 Ht '73 ~3t. James ntreet, :3c-1i.nt ,fohn West (City-o\med lot). 16. Application from Yastbrook Ltd. for l'e-2.oning of Highuount Court (off Northumberland Ave.). 17. Letter from City t-funae.er 1'8 traffic sigrui.ls for approaches to Courterw:' lla~r causeway. ad